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"And next up we have a new act, her first time on the strip. Please give a round of applause for the beautiful, Blair" my new boss Shawn speaks enthusiastically through the intercom, his voice echoing loudly and overpowering the heavy bass of the music.

I grip onto my silk robe tightly, swallowing back a thick lump that forms in the center of my throat. I'm shaking almost uncontrollably and I'm finding it hard to keep steady in the five inch pleasers that adore my sore feet. I haven't the slightest idea how to even work a pole, aside from the few YouTube tutorials I watched and was able to practice when I came into the club early enough. I'm still nowhere near as good as the girls who have years of experience under their belt, ive watched them all intently as they would do their amazing tricks. Hanging upside on the pole with only their crossed legs holding them up. I could never be as good as them. No matter how much I practiced or tried, but the goal isn't to be the best. It's to get myself by and save up for something more.

I let out a deep breath, in through my nose and out through my mouth. Trying to control my anxiety enough to make it through my five minute long set.

The crowd roars with excitement as I step onto the brightly lit stage. All eyes burning onto me as the spotlight illuminates and the stage lights dim. Tainted love begins to blast through the speakers as I bring my shaky hands up to grasp at my robe, and drop it.

Earning a chorus of hoops and hollers from the herd of rowdy men.

I manage to get through my set as good as can be expected, not making too many mistakes and even earning a sizable amount of tips. Which will all go towards paying my ridiculously priced first months rent.

Putting my robe back on to cover myself before scurrying to the back lounge, I'm beyond ready to get these hell traps off my feet.

I find my station rather quickly, it's the only nearly empty one. Nestled between a ravened hair beauty to my left, and a girl with fire engine red hair to my right. I sit awkwardly between the two, not saying a word as I unlace the strappy heels and throw them off.

I only have about an hour left of my shift, which I know will all go by painfully slow. Shawn wants me to wait a few tables in the mean time, get to know the clientele.

"You did a really good job tonight. Especially for a first timer" the red haired girl speaks after a moment, causing my eyes to be brought over to her face.

She put down the nude lipstick she was painting her lips with in order to give me her full attention.

I'm taken aback for a moment at her comment, it's only my second night working here but in those two shifts I haven't been spoken to by anyone aside from the club owner, Shawn.

I give her a wide smile, cheeks warming up from her kindness.

"Thank you! I really appreciate it. I thought I was going to throw up and pass out in it"

My comment invokes a hearty chuckle from her, she snorts innocently at the end.

She pushes her long bright red hair out of her face with her slim tattooed finger. Small delicates lines inked onto the skin. Her bright green forest eyes shimmer with kindness, full lips showcasing her perfect set of teeth.

She's slim, with legs that go on for miles and a full chest. She appears to be around 24 years old, maybe younger. I'm not good at determining one's age. But she's got a warmth about her that pulls me in, and I can not seem to take my eyes off her. I watch as her pouty mouth opens for her to speak, forming the words that fall from her mouth beautifully.

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