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Noah's pov

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Noah's pov

I leave in three and a half days.

The thought has done nothing but plagued me with dread since I woke up. As soon as I heard they wanted to restart the tour - and so soon- I felt sick to my stomach. Mourning the day that too quickly made its approach, and even with 72 (ish) hours between myself and the road it still feels like my world is ending at this very second. I don't want to leave Veronica, especially after the most recent events. I know she is capable of taking care of herself, more so than most that I know. She isn't naive, and she surely isn't vulnerable. But the world is cold and brutal as is, and the added burden of being tied to someone who has a abundance of, to a fault, die hard fans quite like mine can be exhausting.

I let out a drawn out sigh, shaking my head as I pick up Mel's coat that she had thrown across the sofa last night and hang it on the metal rack by the door. She got in later than Roni and I, her and Folio stumbling into the condo as we started to watch the second Nightmare on Elm Street movie around 12 am. The otherwise empty home being filled with the sounds of their wet kisses and eager giggles, high on the idea of love.

I knew from the moment they met eachother that they would be inseparable, but I never anticipated it being taken to this level. Not so quickly at least. I've seen him fall hard for many of women, puppy love no stranger to my tender hearted friend who wants nothing more than someone to hold close at night. But with Mellie, it's different. He's smitten over the fiery red head and I can't help but see hearts in his eyes whenever she's around.

Or texting him.
Or calling him.

   Anytime Mel is involved, Folio is happier in that moment than I have ever seen him before. A side of him that up until now was foreign to not just me, but everyone who has gotten to know him over the last few years.

I'm happy for him -both of them- however , he deserves all the love in the world and I know Mel is a good girl ,the perfect girl for him. Despite her hard exterior and slick mouth. They're quite the paring, Folio being a bit more reserved and mindful of himself. While Mellie curses like a sailor and doesn't care who is listening when she speaks. She has no shame, and for whatever reason that works for the two of them.

I spend a good portion of the morning tidying up the place. I have noticed that despite the hefty rent that they pay, the place is far from luxurious. Broken floor titles and moldy surfaces only being kept at bay by religious scrubbing. The once white walls speckled with brown and yellow stains from the leaks and years of indoor smoking that the small space has endured in the last 40 years it's been in operation. I have become used to making sure the house is kept up to par when they work their long hours into early morning and rest most of the day. They may never admit it, but I know it helps them out tremendously. The duo is no stranger to the demand of Vegas night life, and they have been doing it all on their own thus far. But with the stress of keeping the home in order off their shoulders, they have been able to take care of themselves and other needs that have gone long neglected.

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