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Rising rockstar Noah Sebastian has reportedly been spotted stepping out of a Vegas chapel last weekend with a familiar face. The 27 year old Bad Omens singer has been tied to the mysterious lady over the last few years, and according to reports she is a lifelong friend that stole his heart a few years ago. We are the first ones to confirm that the young star did indeed tie the knot with childhood sweetheart Veronica Collins but only over a week ago, and sources confirm that the couple is settling in quite well. We are working with a close confidant of the duo to get more information, but as of now we have a few photos of the intimate nuptials to get you by.

  I read over the article what feels like a million times, swiping through the handful of photos they some how gotten a hold of. There's no denying that it's Noah and I, hand in hand as vodka fueled our inhibitions. These photos are from an angle where I can see everyone standing around us. Mel smiling behind me as she leans into Folio. Nicholas, Jolly and Davis standing proudly beside Noah as "Cher" recites the vow exchange. It's a beautiful  event, one I wish I could remember and cherish the way I so desperately want to. Seeing the look of pure ignorant love plastering Noah's face causes regret to wash over me, making it impossible to think about anything other than how much I utterly hate myself right now.

  With a sigh, I lock my phone. Tossing it across my bed as I throw myself back, my head hitting the pillows harshly. I gaze up at my ceiling, looking at the white paint has started to age away in some spots and turn a darker shade. My phone hasn't stopped buzzing since the article came out last night, and even now as it lays across from me I can hear as it vibrates against my comforter. The sound bouncing off the walls and echoing in my ear mockingly. I haven't so much as replied to anyone, including Robyn who has sent me a plethora of unsavory messages, expressing her very evident distaste for "being the last one to hear the news" as she put it many times. I can understand Eli's frustration with me, I've skimmed over all his caps lock texts expressing how he hates me for not telling him about my "sex god husband". I could even understand if Missy was irked if she has seen the news, but not Robyn. She hasn't known me for more than a week, and I can't even say she really knows me all that well. I'm no more than a name and that same two year old she left behind in her rear view mirror all of those years ago. She hasn't bothered to send more than two hello texts since I met with her, to which I replied to and was ignored.

  So yeah, no right to be irritated with me.

  There's a soft knock on my bedroom door, the sound pulling me away from my pity party and causing me to sit up on my elbows.

  "Come in" I call out, my words provoking the unannounced visitor to slowly push back the slightly ajar door.

  It, like everything else in this god forsaken place, let's out a small creak as it opens fully. It's old, and weathered, needing an update. On the other side, leaning against the small wooden frame is my beloved Eli. He's giving me a cheeky grin, arms crossed over his chest as our eyes meet. I let out a grunt, shutting my eyes before throwing myself back onto my pillows. I wasn't anticipating company, and surely not of the unfiltered gay best friend variety.

  "Oh, stop being dramatic" he sasses before making his way to sit beside me on my bed.

   Slowly, i peel back my lids to see as he looks down at me with a grin. I can't help but dolly my eyes, knowing exactly what is going through his head.

  "So. When were you gonna tell me that you and tall, tatted and famous got hitched?" He whines.

  "I was hoping no one would ever know" I admit as I roll onto my stomach and press my face in my pillow. I have to suppress a scream that itches to come out, but Eli will make fun of me for my dramatics.

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