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  I stand up straight, whipping my body around to face him as he shuts the door and takes a few cautious steps towards me. Stopping after he's only a few feet away from the threshold.

  "What the fuck are you doing here?" It comes out horse as my throat burns from the force behind speaking.

  He doesn't say a word as he continues his slow pace in my direction. Eyes glued to my face. Teasingly stalking towards me.

  I part my lips to say something to him, cuss him out, tell him to fuck off even, but nothing. Nothing comes out as my eyes stay fixed on the tall man who is making his slow approach. His cocoa colored hair is gelled back, his signature straggler piece of hair falling over his forehead. Eyes darker than usual as he takes steady steps towards me still. Arms on full display as he's clad in a fitted white shirt and black slacks.

  One foot after another I count each slow stride he takes in my direction. It's like time has slowed down, agonizingly passing by.

  One, two, three..

  When he finally stop he stands but an inch from me, close enough that I can smell his expensive cologne and feel his deep breathes as they fan down and across my face.

  I swallow harshly, so loudly I can hear it as it bellows through the empty bathroom. Bouncing off the walls and echoing.

  "Veronica.." he begins. Voice low and deep as he brings his hand up to cup my cheek.

  His touch is hot and heavy as his fingers extend and slide up and around the curvature of my jaw. Staying silent, I bring my hand up to lay over his own, tears still fighting desperately to fall from my eyes as more spring to them.

  I know what's coming all too well. I can feel it in my bones as they begin to ache and groan with all the pain I have fought back for days, months.. years. Vulnerable as my shield quickly begins to shatter under his touch.

  I'm about to break

  "You don't have to do this.." he gets lower as he speaks, face coming close enough I can practically taste him.

  "Not anymore"

My attempts to hold strong are useless, as soon as I hear the words coming from his mouth the hot sobs stream uncontrollably down my face.

"It's my only option" it comes out strangled, the words almost impossible to force up as my throat goes dry. Voice breaking, crackling as the cries become nearly impossible to hold back.

  "Oh, pretty girl. That's where you're wrong. It's not. Not anymore at least"

  I'm at a loss for words at his statement. Confused on how he can see my world through such a different lens than I. But I can't really blame him for that. He hasn't the slightest clue what I have been through and why I do what I do.

  "It's the only way I know how to take care of myself, Noah"

  He shakes his head. Keeping his eyes glued to me as he brushes his nose against my own.

  "Let me take care of you, let me help you"

  My eyes nearly bulge out of my head at his words, instantly shaking my head no and taking a step back. My ass hits the sink due to the smallest amount of space that is behind me, the palms of my hands gripping against the porcelain to keep me steady. My walls falling down as I feel a few small tears trickle down my cheeks.

  "No" it's breathless, the air getting stuck in my throat as he yet again closes the space between us. Hands coming around to grip the sink on either side of my body.

  "Yes" he demands "I'm not saying forever but at least until you can find a job where you aren't risking not only your safety but your life"

He becomes increasingly more desperate with each word he says, passion dripping from his lips. If the current atmosphere surrounding us wasnt so intense i would find his sudden demeanor arousing. My groin radiating a slight warmth as I watch his veins pop from under his skin and his jaw tighten up sharply. As much as the sexual desire burns within me, It's washed away as soon as more tears burn a hot trail down my face. Eyes foggy with the tears that well up on a continuum.

  "Noah.. I- I can't" I shake my head violently. There's a small voice in the back of my head that begs to give in, to allow us to fall into some kind of domestic cycle that may be too hard to run away from again.

  He brings one hand up and uses the pad of his thumb to swipe away a fallen tear, leaving his hand once again pressed against my cheek.

  "You can try to fight it as much as you want, but I won't take no for an answer" 

  There's a million different scenarios running ramped in my head, thoughts so heavy I can't barely think straight. The only thing that sticks out clearly is the mental image of him and Mellie. It's been burning in the back of my mind all evening, and I have to get some clarity.

  "But you and Mel" I whisper, dropping my eyes and looking at my feet as my cheeks warm with embarrassment.

I regret saying it as soon as the words slip from my lips, but I need answers. Even if they break me more.

"Oh pretty girl" he begins, cupping my chin with his hand and bringing my face up to meet his gaze.

"We are just two people who both care deeply about you. That's it" he reassures, giving me a soft smile as he begins to rub my jawline with him thumb. His words soothe my aching chest, relief taking over. I shouldn't feel relieved that there isn't something going on between them. I shouldn't even care.

But I do.

  Head dipping down I can feel his heavy breaths hit my face as he moves closer. My heart picks up its pace as I watch him move in. Crashing harshly against its bone encasing, i can hear as it rattles. Like the beating of a harsh drum that's fighting to keep up with the heavy tempo. My body shakes almost uncontrollably, if it wasn't for the sturdy sink keeping me up I would have fallen on my knees long ago. Time slows and in a suspended moment our eyes lock. The world fading into the background, leaving just the two of us.

   I know what's coming next, but I don't stop it. Despite my better judgement and against the voice in my head that's pleading for me to stop. I don't. Instead I crane my head upwards, extending my reach and preparing myself for what I know is to come.

  Don't do this, Veronica

  He's gonna hurt you again

It's all that runs through my head as he brings his hand up to run through my hair and pull my head back with a gentle tug. Closing my eyes I ignore myself and finally give in

And then he kisses me




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