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Noah's pov

We spend the entirety of the evening just hanging out like old friends. Despite the fact that Mellie and I barley knew each other we always get on like we have been friends our whole lives. The both of us sharing a common ground of caring deeply about one person. The most important person to me.

   I could tell she was apprehensive about me at first, but who could really blame her? I showed up at her house demanding to speak to a woman that, up until that moment, she didn't even know existed. But after Roni's close call at the club she looked at me differently. I was no longer the strange man who she thought could harm her best friend, I was the one who saved her.

  Always have been and always will be.

Speaking of, Veronica has been uncharacteristically quiet the last few hours. Barely touching her glass of wine and not even attempting to pretend to have the slightest interest in her food. Seeing right through it, I can tell something is up. Despite her best attempts at playing coy and putting on her sweetest false smile. There's an emptiness behind her eyes, her face is stern with emotion. She wears her heart on her sleeve, a fact all too prevalent in this moment. Her eyes fixed on her phone screen, the icy orbs dancing across whatever is displayed before her. Face tethering somewhere between on the verge of tears and wanting to snap the device in half.

Even in her most volatile state she is effortlessly beautiful. Her strawberry blonde hair is starting to grow out and dark raven tresses kiss her scalp. I like seeing her natural roots coming in. Her black hair and pale skin are addictive, and I miss the way it added dramatics to her. Her beautifully iced eyes that dance with speckles of earthy tones and the most clear blue I have ever seen. Her little beauty marks that sprinkle across her face. I never realized how much I had to lose until it was gone, and all though I know I should be furious at her for up and leaving without as much as the chance to explain my side of things I can't. I don't blame her for feeling betrayed and broken after all the bullshit Jasper put her through. She had been misused for so long that the last thing she needed from me was more damage.

Granted, I didn't do what she thought I did but that didn't matter. She was given enough reason to be hurt so badly that she disappeared for two years straight without a trace, and now she is back. I won't risk ever letting her slip from my grasps again.

I take the spot next to her on the sofa. My presence causing her to drop her phone face down on her lap. Face coming up to give me attention and a smile that doesn't reach her eyes fully.

"Hey, beautiful" I whisper, causing her to roll her eyes harshly. But it doesn't take long for a genuine smile to take over for face and I can't help but grin in satisfaction.

"Don't call me that" I can tell she doesn't mean the words coming from her mouth, the fact making me grin even harder. If at all possible.

"But why? You are beautiful" brining my hand up to brash away a stray hair, my voice lowers so she is the only one who can hear me.

The apples of her cheeks turn crimson as I speak, the heat radiating so harshly I swear I can feel it on my fingertips as I lose my hand and run it down her face.

"Because you're trying to be cheeky and I am not falling for your charm"

"You think I'm charming?"

She rolls her eyes and gives me a half cocked smile, eyes dancing with mischief. She bites her lip for a moment. Taking in the pillowy skin and holding in between her top and bottom teeth. It bounces slightly as she lets it go.

"I think you're annoying "

I can't help but laugh, knowing her I am not surprised at the fact that she would be a smart ass in a flirtatious moment.

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