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As soon as my eyes part I am met with the relentless pounding of my head. The walls of my cranium thumping violently as the blood pulsates through me rapidly. I drank far too much yesterday and can barely remember anything after getting back home. It's a fog filled with large black holes that I can't find the recollection to fill.

I attempt to get up from bed, but as soon as I try I realize I am being held down by a set of heavy arms. Cranking my head to the left I see a head full of deep chestnut hair, tatted limbs sprawled out over my thick comforter. Knowing exactly who it is does quite the opposite of what it would to most, instead of being relieved I am met with what can only be described as sheer panic. I don't think anything happened between us, I'd hope that even when I am nearing blackout drunk I would have enough cognitive bandwidth. But the small seed of doubt in the back of my head is enough to put me on edge. Blurring the already fuzzy lines of what can barely be described as a friendship between us is the last thing I need.

I turn my body to face him. Watching for a moment as he stirs in his sleep, face contorting and limbs moving around. He must be having an interactive dream.

I place on hands on his arm, giving him a firm shaking to wake him up.

"Noah.. Noah.. Noah" I get louder each time I speak and by the third time I call out his name i am practically yelling.

My loud bass causing him to snap his eyes open in a frenzy, wide and bloodshot from being awaken all the sudden.

"Yes. What? What happened!?" He spitballs frantically. Sitting up straight in my bed, the comforter pooling around his waist.

I swallow harshly, heart picking up its pace as I prepare myself to get clarity. I need to know what happened and how he ended up in my bed.

"Did we.. " I begin, sitting up as well. Eyes bouncing back and forth between the two of us "fuck?" I almost choke when I force it out, the words feeling like venom as they leave my lips.

He gives me a wide eyed stare, complimented with his tossled hair he looks like a wild animal that had been caught in a bright set of headlights.

He begins shaking his head before he even answers, twisting it back and forth quickly.

"Oh no no, roni. Even if you wanted to you were way too fucked up" he assures. There's slight worry in his voice, as if he is scared I won't fully believe him.

If it were anyone else I can admit I wouldn't, but there's something about the sheer panic in his eyes that convinces me that he's being honest. On top of knowing the kind of guy he is it's any easy enough to have no doubts in his statement.

I nod my head, throwing my blanket off of me in order to properly depart from my bed. Swinging my legs over the edge, I scoot forward. Feet dangling just above the old carpeted floor as I ready myself to slide off. I take a moment to get myself together. Head spinning from lack of hydration and heart beating harshly in my chest. It's an undeniable indicator that I drank far too much.

We manage to spend the first few hours of the morning peacefully. Mel has formed a habit of leaving early enough in the morning that I don't see her at all until she returns sometime in the afternoon. I'm not sure where she runs off to, and I don't plan on asking. At least not anytime soon. I know it's slightly unreasonable to be mad at her, and I need to get over it. Both of which I plan on doing. But as of right now I need to ride my wave of anger.

By the time lunch rolls around I am finally hungry and in desperate need of something greasy. Plopping down on the sofa next to Noah, who is currently petting Bizkit while he scrolls on his phone. He notices my very sudden presence, causing him to lock his phone and turn his attention to me.

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