↪nini (season three)

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season three

yeah and this is where they rly said,,, "we have no idea what to do with nini!!!!" LMAO

to wrap up nini's struggle between thriving in the place she calls home vs going into the new,, the writers highlight nini's indecision.

to wrap up nini's struggle between thriving in the place she calls home vs going into the new,, the writers highlight nini's indecision

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during nini's visit to miss jenn's,,, we learn a few things:

1. nini hasn't gotten over her writer's block since s2 episode 9. there's no evidence to suggest she wrote anything herself after that episode,,, and if she had,, it would be strange that she lost inspiration after working with jamie when he's who she thought she should go to in finding her outlet. according to her,,, she's missing a "spark".

2. she is hesitant to go on a trip to cali with her moms bc she was supposed to go to camp with everyone else. instead,,, she decided to go with her moms but rly,,, she isn't sure if she made the right choice.

3. while she has found confidence,,, compared to how she spoke in s1,,, she's ultimately still waiting for that big moment or whatever that is. she thinks the last few years were leading up to smth,,, maybe a true answer to what the outlet of her voice should be exactly,,, and she's waiting for it. she thinks that it's close bc as she says, "just when i'm about to make smth mine" when talking about how the trip was disrupting her flow. she's on her way to becoming who she always wanted,,, but there's still that uncertainty that maybe she doesn't rly know what she's doing.

 she's on her way to becoming who she always wanted,,, but there's still that uncertainty that maybe she doesn't rly know what she's doing

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after finding out about marvin,,, there's not much reaction on nini's end ngl. she appears indifferent,,, and when she starts talking to him it's a little awkward. she takes control of the conversation,,, and then she finds out he was in a band with her moms. it stuns her and later, marvin gives her advice about youth and how she can't predict everything but "the best is yet to come". 

and so she sings a song about not knowing what's next but being excited for it anyway lol ((this final nini song is supposed to send her off and tell the audience that her future path is... probably great ig LMAO)). all the things she brings up in episode 1 are completely brushed off the table by "she won't always know that answer but that's okay!!!". the show never explores why she lost her spark,,, what exactly that spark is,,, and what does she rly want moving forward. while teens don't always know what they're doing and that's okay,,, this feels a little like poor writing bc like i said when the episode first released,, not knowing what to do in general wasn't rly nini's MAIN issue she had to overcome. what the writers did to conclude her arc was rly surface level truthfully.

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