First glance

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Dhvani's pov
Good morning to me. As you already know me I am Dhvani a simple girl with big ambitions.I am 17 years old and am in my senior year in school in Delhi.I have a single mother, grandfather and a younger brother and sister as my family.I am not pretty but not bad looking as well I am 5'2'ft tall,chubby yeah short and fat like a hamster. Well after brushing and freshening up I went to the kitchen to feed my not so little tummy but I see veg bread finished .I sighed and took some money and as usual as I was walking down the road in the summer heat to get some bread when I saw road was surrounded by people and no vehicle was on the road except some shiny black cars very far but fast approaching .I again started walking on the side path when I saw a cute little puppy was painfully and slowly limping while crossing the road trying to reach the other two black puppies on other side of the road due to injury in it's hind legs unaware of the upcoming vehicles. On closer observation I saw a fleet of cars nearly 10 Range Rover were surrounding a shing black Lamborghini.Seeing the fast approaching cars I ran without much thinking towards the puppy hoping to save it. I picked the puppy up safely while sprinting across the road and safely reached the other side. Heaving a sigh of relief I started patting the puppy while smiling ang giggling as it was licking my hands. It was a beautiful black German Shepherd. The other two puppies started barking seeing their brother. I put the puppy down and they started playing together looking adorable. I wonder how can people abandon such cute little puppies they were looking barely a week old.I would love to take them home but my mother would be mad so I had no choice but I gave them my bread as they were looking really hungry.Waving them bye I started walking towards my home promising myself to convince a person to adopt them and bringing food ,medicine and a cardboard box as shelter for them in evening unaware of the dark gaze following me .

Ace's pov
Myself Ace the multi billionaire, richest person in the day and the mafia King at night . After spending two hours in the gym. I took a bath and started getting ready for the office. After sitting in my black Lamborghini which was parked at the front gate for me I told the driver to drive I am from USA and am an Indian American as my mother is an indian but I am in India for some work and would go back in a month or so. The road was emptied  half an hour ago to avoid casualties although 10 Range Rovers were surrounding my car each with 5 men with guns fully loaded. My right hand Andrew Matthews was sitting in the passenger seat. I was looking outside when I saw a little girl walking down the street as her back was to me I couldn't see her face she was approximately 5'2' something and had short shoulder length hair I don't know why but I wanted to see her face but she suddenly ran in front of my cars just to save a puppy. I was shocked how can someone be this kind and furious how can she put her life in danger for some stupid mutt. After crossing the road she turned and my breathe got stuck how can someone be this beautiful  she was smiling and giggling instead of getting disgusted by the little mutt who was licking her all over her tiny little hands. She put the puppy down and started playing with other two puppies as well not giving a damn to anyone. Andrew asked me sir should I kill the bitch I glared at him and said I dare you. He got quiet but I can easily read disbelief in his eyes as I hate being disrespected and don't let anyone live after doing so but well my angel is different. Yeah she is my angel only mine. I asked him to pick those puppies up as I saw she was sad leaving them alone.Andrew again stared at me in disbelief as I only had  lions as pet well because I believe only strongest deserve to live but I am willing to change for my angel as I don't want her to fear me. I am willing to hide my other side from her and will give her all the happiness of the world but I will for sure punish her if she misbehaves or refuses to be mine. I won't treat her harshly or force her to do something as she looks quite young and innocent and I can't bear to see her sad as I love her yeah I love her. He asked some of my bodyguards via intercom to pick them up without questioning me even though he is the closest person to me he still does not question my decisions as he know the consequences.I asked him to find the information about the girl within half an hour baby just wait I am going to make you mine.

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