unchanged yet changed hellhole

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dhvani pov 

When i woke up this morning i was afraid to find myself back in the mansion or rather the hellhole .i cursed my fate but stood upp the very next minute not able to find my children with me. they must be crying .

i got up and started searching for them and went to the next room which earlier used to be mine and was shocked .

not only because the room was completely changed it was looking beautiful with bright blue theme with three white cribs and a bed in middle but this wasnt what shocked me the most it was ace lying on that be along with my babies giggling.

i just wanted the time to stop . this is what i always wanted a loving husband if i ever get one who would play with my kids and love them till the end of the world.

i dont why but for first time i saw a future with ace.

he saw me standing there beside the wall and gave me a smile.

i really wanted time to stop in this unchanged yet changed hellhole.

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