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for the first time in life i was happy hearing his voice.

but i could see he wasnt . he picked the guy up  from me .i got up but he pulled out his gun from the waistband and shot him on his head .i was shocked . even though he was  trying to rape me but he couldnt kill someone. 

he pulled me but i tried to resist.he glared at me trying to dare me and stated dragging me to his room. i was begging pleading to all present in the party while he was dragging me upstairs. but no one tried to help me.

he threw me on the bed and tore my gown.dont tell me no i will not be able to live.

he removed all his clothes and then removed my undies as well.

i tried to beg plead but nothing was working. he then entered inside me without any warning and let me say i coudnt bear the pain .he went on for 3 hours straight without stopping and slapped me whenever i dozed off. 

i was bleeding continuously i dont think this much blood is shed during losing your virginity. 

 after 5 orgasms he finally stopped and i was able to sleep but then also he didnt  removed his huge dick.

2 hours later 

Ace pov

i woke up to find myself on top of my baby.naked.

shit .my fucking anger can i do something like this that too without her permission .

i gently removed my junior from inside her but she didnt even stir maybe she is too tired but seeing the bedsheets i knew this wasnt the case. there was too much blood.

i shaked her and then immediately called the doctor.i am getting really worried. after a few minutes she reached along with andrew yeah i didnt wanted to leave my angel alone so i asked him to bring the doctor upstairs.

she started checking her.'sir she is unconscious due to excess blood loss as she was brutually raped i suggest avoiding intercourse for a week at least and she would wake up after sometime.'

i sat on the bed beside her holding her hand after the doctor left.

i couldnt control my anger because i saw a bastard touching my girl trying to rape her but i did the same.i know she will never forgive me .yesterday i was not even able to give herher birthday gift yeah my baby turned 18 today. i wanted to make it special but i ruined it completely earlier i wanted to marry her on her birthday but then i thought maybe i should give her sometime to accept me.

i heard her shuffling and then she opened her eyes.

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