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8 months later.

ace pov 

i am missing her too much but i have promised myself that i will refrain myself from seeing her.

i know i will not be able to forget her so i will marry her when she is 21. And i dont care whether she  likes it  or not.

It has already been 8 months that i can barely control myself so i came back from USA so that i can see her from far away 'just a glimpse' i said to myself.

dhvani pov 

i am currently resting in the bed at hospital with my 3 little bumpkins yeah i delivered them yesterday .i was only expecting twins boys but well my little baby girl is a surprise, even though she is not healthy and its her surgery today nothing major but a blocked blood vessel. its just a minor operation .

2 hour later 

i am currently outside ace office.yeah i am taking the step which maybe i am gonna regret later but i can do anything for my baby.

i reached the reception everyone was staring at me as if i was an alien .yeah i might be looking like one well i was crying since last 2 hours what do you expect from a new mother who just had a complicated surgery giving birth to triplets and then suddenly she knows her precious little life can die.a complication arised during the surgery and they needed blood urgently but my baby has his blood inside her yeah he is not their dad they are just my children .

i asked the receptionist to let me in but she denied and instead called security.

but i suddenly spotted andrew. 'mr. matthews' i shouted his name .

he turned shocked probably not expecting me here and definitely not looking like this .

he allowed me to enter and took me directly to mr. king's  office without asking any question. i opened his office door and he immediately looked up about to shout on who dared to enter his office without permission.

'dhvani '

he said shocked.

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