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Ace's pov

I saw my angel in her room tying the bedsheets. I know she went to my personal room where there were her pictures all around. I know she even had a breakout and saw her crying. I wasn't shocked I expected it as she is too sweet for my world and my ways. I asked a security guard to place the cycle near the kitchen back gate so as to what she will do next and asked the guards to clear the back gate. I  saw her getting out of the mansion I already turned off all the traps in the jungle so that she won't hurt her self .

I took my car and went to the only road that's on my private hill yah my hill is a restricted zone opened the tracker which was there on her cycle . after half an hour of waiting, i finally saw my angel riding the cycle.i am furious to say the least i gave her enough freedom and she is taking advantage of my sincerity.I won't be lenient now i will deal with her in my own way saw her raising her hand asking for a lift.

 i stopped my car .get in I said in a polite way trying to control my anger. she saw me and her face paled. she suddenly saw here and there and looked in the direction of the police station just down the hill she started running in direction  . thats it .after reaching the police station i went in everyone started bowing greeting me i hate coming to police station a they al are the puppets of my hands .

i saw my angel asking a police officer to write her complaint while crying i hated seeing her in such a messy condition she turned her face seeing all the bowed hads. i went towards her and slapped her ,hard  and fisted her hair and took her to the car .i dont want to hear her bullshit now.

she started begging  i can see her begging them and saw her lips bleeding from where my ring scratched her. i threw her in the car and closed the door i saw her trying to get out.i glared at her she sat in seat silently weeping. i drove the car back to mansion i am so going to punish her .

the gate of the mansion opened sensing my personal car. i went to my personal torture room dragging her behind me. i threw her on the  ground and took out my belt 'baby you better start counting ' 

i started hitting her with belt i can hear her counting with every hit and saying sorry and pleading me to stop. after 50 hits i stopped i planned on hitting her 100 times but she came and hugged my feet. i realized my mistake i shouldnt have hitten her so hard i bent down and she held my neck and hugged me i froze this was the first time i saw her so broken . she was repeatedly saying sorry while burying her face in my chest .

i am sorry baby i shouldnt have punished her so hard  she is just a little baby barely an adult . i picked her up bridal style . i can see her blood dripping down i was too harsh. i saw her getting unconscious  quicky took her to my room and called a doctor to bandage her wounds.

after some time i laid down on the bed beside my angel after changing her clothes. 'i am sorry baby' .i slept off finally with my angel in my arms.

author's  note

i am in 12 standard and i study in a residential school where electronics are not allowed . i will only be able to update on friday's as its our esource day that too only for an hour. please be cooperative.

i will try to update on next friday.

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