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finally the hardest part came. thinking about my baby girl i gathered the courage.

'i got pregnant after that baby is in a surgery and she has your blood please help me ' 

he didnt respond . i finally fell on my knees and held his legs.i dont care about my dignity if it can save my baby girl.

he finally picked me up and asked andrew to get the car out. i heaved a sigh of relief but suddenly my vision got cloudy i looked down seeing lood all over my trousers yeah my stitches broke. before getting unconscious i saw his face and it showed worry all over.

ace pov 

i got shocked to dhvani at the door .she has changed her hair are now a little long,she has bags under her eyes has gained weight and for sure her breasts are more developed now.

she finally dropped the bomb on me about her being pregnant after that night and i am a father ,a father i dont know how to react suddenly she fell at my knees holding my legs begging me for sving her life ,and this broke me out of my trance.i picked her up  but suddenly she got unconscious. i looked down seeing blood all over her trousers.shit .i asked andrew to get the car out and look for the hospital where my baby is . 

skip the car ride 

i am finally at the hospital eager to meet my baby and equally worried about dhvani. i quickly carried her to the ER.

after some time the doctor came out sying it was nothing serious just some stitches broke. my poor baby i should have at least checked on her how can i be so careless. the doctor requested me to follow him for the blood transfusion yeah requested coz people are aware of my power.

i entered a suite in the hospital at the top floor and he asked me to lay down so that he can start his work .

after an hour the surgery was finally completed and i can finally see my baby girl yeah i have a daughter and to say excited would be an understatement .

dhvani will also wake up in an hour or so she is lying beside me as i have asked them to change her room as i cant stay away from her anymore.

i have accepted the fact and she alo needs to accept it.

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