First day pt.1

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Dhvani's pov

I woke up to find myself on a huge bed in a way too huge room with blue and white decor.

I loved the room and even the colours were my favourite. I was lying on a king sized bed with a white headboard and blue satin bedsheets. All in all the room was straight out of a fairytale.

I started looking around the room trying to spot a bathroom between those three doors. I opened the first door it's a walk in closet it's way too huge and my clothes we're there in a corner I had barely 7 pairs and they were all I had and the next door being bathroom.

It was made up of white marble the cold floor was making me realise that I was barefoot. I wore the blue bathroom slippers which were of 4 number exactly my size and went in front of the full length mirror. I am still in my school dress and it's all crinkled.

I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I wanted to have a bath in that big tub but it was already 7 'o' clock. I wore my blue jeans with white t shirt and came out of the room and started finding the Main Hall. I walked for around 15 minutes but couldn't find the stairs and came back to where I was.

I could only find multiple rooms. I finally decided to ask for help and knocked on the door not knowing whether it would be answered or not. I heard a deep husky voice "come in" I opened the door and peeked inside the room it was huge like triple than mine .

On seeing no one I went inside and saw Mr. King in a towel. I quickly turned "sorry sir I didn't know it was your room" I heard a chuckle and heard him muttering something. I quickly shook my head trying to get rid of Mr. King's body from my mind.

"You can turn around" I heard his voice and turned to see him buttoning up his shirt I bowed my head as I could still see his well defined eight pack abs and the v line. "Sir I couldn't find the way to the hall and please may I know what I am supposed to do"."You have to just follow me" I nodded my head.

He wore his shoes and after that took a black blazer. "Pick a tie" He said telling me to select a tie from the two ties that were there on his clothes stand beside the bed. I picked a red tie as you can never go wrong with red. "Tie it"" Huh""Tie the tie Dhvani "" Sorry sir I don't know how to make a tie"he suddenly holds my wrist and sat on the bed he was still a little taller than me. He held my wrists and started making a tie I was shocked means I didn't expect it. He was so gentle like he wasn't rude to me yesterday. He had such beautiful hair shiny and brown with natural highlights.

I gulped seeing the fine specimen up so close. "Kahan khoi hui ho?"I was shocked means I didn't know that Mr king know how hindi and damn did it sounded hot.He didn't even had a American accent when he spoke hindi. Seeing my shocked face he answered my question my mother is an Indian." Ohh that's the reason. I successfully learned how to make a tie . He stood up from the bed there was only an inch distance between us. I quickly moved back creating the much needed distance between us. I could smell his manly Cologne and it's quite sexy to say the least."Follow me"  I heard his voice and started following him He suddenly took a sharp turn and there I saw a lift and stairs he walked towards the lift and pressed a button. There was an iris recognition system there. "It's my personal lift for safety purposes"he answers my unasked question. I nodded my head " Words Dhvani "he said in a stern voice "I am sorry sir"."its ok but next time I won't let you go unpunished" I looked down as I had got tears in my eyes yeah that's true I am a crybaby. We got out of the lift I kept my head down as I don't want others to think of me as weak. We directly reached the main Hall and then we took a right turn we reached the dining room. It was huge there was a table which can seat 20 people . I sniffed slowly trying to control my sobs. Mr. King sat on the head chair and I sat on the first chair. I continued looking down trying to control my sobs. "Look at me dhvani"he said to me softly I didn't look up as I didn't want him to see me cry. "Dhvani" he again used that tone and I couldn't control it anymore and finally burst into tears I am so afraid of him my friends were right he is very scary I don't want to stay here I am missing my home.He is very rude to me since day 1 and now I am sick of it today itself I will tell him to choose someone else for the internship. I suddenly felt someone lift me up I looked up to find myself in Mr king's lap I tried to get off but he again used that tone and said "dhvani" coldly. I stopped struggling and held his neck and sat in a straddling position bawling my eyes out. "Shh shh baby it's ok everything is ok I won't scold you anymore I promise".Hearing his voice and being tired from this whole fiasco I dozed off.

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