next day

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He started sucking my boobs and that too harshly with my little babies only i feel pain but it was another level of hell all those previous memories which i am trying so damn hard to forget 'please not again' he suddenly stopped and got up from top of me as if i said something that i shoudnt have said .i am already tired and my nether region is paining as hell .

i simply laid down back so as to not disturb my babies my mother will soon come and take care of them . i turned my face and looked outside the window and the tears that i was tryiing so hard to control came out.

I am worried i didnt wanted him to know about my babies but fate has some other plans i cant let him take my children away from me if not for them i would have died already. no i need to talk to him . i got up and walked outside in the balcony .he was standing there.

'I want to talk with you'.he looked surprised cause i was never the one who initiated the conversation at least not with him. 

he started moving out from the gate i followed him silently .He walked to the outer hall within the room itself .i wonder how can money buy everything. 

'lets talk '

short update i know but i promise i will update tomorrow.

i know it was boring but next is gonna be interesting .

stay connected.

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