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from here it will be in ace pov from when he got to know he is father of three children.

I AM A FATHER its still hard to believe but rather than dhvani i am more angry at myself.

Because i cant keep it in pants its not that i dont like the kids but she is way too young to be a mother.I was surprised to my core that i have got 3 children when a few minutes back i didnt even know how my love was pregnant .   

no wonder she had to go through a complicated surgery i know she has faced many problems on her own but now i am here i wont let anyone hurt my baby but he didnt know the person who is going to hurt dhvani the most is not others but him himself.

but to process all these things i need to be calm and i can only be calm when all 4 of them are back safe and sound at my mansion.

few moments later

how stupid i am how can i slap her but it was not my mistake but how can she think so low of me yeah but you are the one who ruined your reputation in her eyes yourself my subconscious replied.

i stormed out after the incident but in the way i asked my guards to go and inform dhvani's mother about my decision and asked my personal designer to design my children room in my mansion and buy everything that a child shall ever need and also necessities for young mother's.

this is going to be a whole lot of work.

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