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Ace pov

It's evening now and my little baby is still asleep. I have planned a dinner date for her in the evening where I will confess my feelings to her. I hope she accepts me as rejecting me is not an option. I chose a beautiful peach colour sequin gown for her with accessories. I kept the box on the bed and went back so as to check the preparations.

Dhvani pov

I woke up in the evening to find myself in my room . I remembered the previous events and decided that I will talk to Mr. King today itself. I found three boxes on my bed and opened them all to find a dress, heels and a bracelet.

It was very beautiful as I have never seen such a dress. I read the note placed beside it 'Be ready by 7'. Oh it's an event but I can't afford this dress and accessories I went to Mr. King's room and knocked. I don't want to see him but guess luck. 'Come in' came his voice I walked inside "you aren't ready " He said after seeing me "sorry sir but I can't afford such a dress"" Who asked you to pay it's for the dinner and get ready you better not be late".

See this is the attitude I hate I will for sure tell Mr. King after the event about quitting the internship. I quickly took a shower and wore the dress as it was already 6:30 pm. I simply put on my lip balm and combed my hair doing a side partition  and put a small stone pin in the small partition.I wore the heels and finally I was ready. After 5 minutes I heard a knock on the door it was exactly 7 o clock I opened the door and saw Mr. King in a three piece suit.

He started staring at me 'was I not looking good and he would be embarrassed taking me with him' I coughed to gain his attention. He forwarded his hand and I held it confused. I am not a baby. We sat in a limousine but he still held my hand. He was looking really good today who am I kidding he looks good everyday. I look like a kid beside him. He is approx 6'7'or '8' and I am only 5'2'.

When everyone called and congratulated me for internship they were all saying how lucky I was as sir is so handsome yeah he is handsome but not attractive there are multiple points I can note down like:-

~he is too old like maybe 30 something almost my dad's age.

~he is too rude.

~he doesn't respect elders(he shouted at a maid just because she was looking at me)

~i want someone who treat my family as his own and I have heard he killed his own parents

~he is too big

~too much muscular that I am afraid of him

~too rich



~playboy as I have heard maids gossiping how he is in bed

~very powerful

~dont care about someone feelings

~imposes his wishes on me

~scolds me

~drinks alcohol as I have seen a bar in his room itself

~smokes as there was an ash tray at his bedside table.

~dominant and don't treat me as his equal

~non vegetarian

And I can list 1000 more reason so he is a big no.

We reached a 7 star restaurant and he helped me get down. Why is he behaving like a gentleman huh? We reached the restaurant but it was empty huh I thought there was an event or something.

There was  a table arranged in the center of the restaurant and it looked like a romantic candle night dinner but I don't take Mr king as a romantic kind of guy. He pulls out a chair for me and made me sit on it. Then he took a beautiful red roses bouquet and gave it to me. What is happening? Suddenly music started playing and sir forwarded his hand I accepted it after a minute when he started glaring at me.

He suddenly pulled me closer and held my waist I was feeling uncomfortable I tried to maintain some distance but he pulled me again and my head collided with his chest. He started getting rough all pulling and pushing and I was on the verge of crying. Suddenly as the song stopped he knelt down on one knee an took out a ring box from his blazer pocket.

My mind went completely blank. He took my hand in his and said "Dhvani I love you will you marry me" I got the shock of my life like how can he I gathered the skirt of my dress ready to run but he noticed my movement and held my hand tightly. He stood up and forcefully made me wear the ring. I started crying and trying to get out of his hold.

He suddenly held my neck and pulled me in for a kiss and brutally started biting my lips I was hitting on his chest trying to get away.I can't breathe and it was suffocating for me as I am asthmatic After one minute I can't take it anymore as black dots started appearing in my vision and then I blacked out.

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