Meeting her pt.1

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I was planning on writing Ace pov as well but then it would have taken me another day and you messaged me to update sooner so here's it but I will divide this chapter in 2 parts.Stay tuned.

Dhvani's pov

A new morning but same boring routine.I was still shaken up from the last night events and didn't got proper sleep. I thought as I was about to reach school but there would be a difference today .

Mr. King is gonna visit our school and I am quite looking forward to it but since early morning I am getting bad vibes like something bad is gonna happen. Putting it aside I went to school as the school started late today due to workshop I directly went to principal's office for further instructions.

He aked me to stand near reception and and wait for Mr. King alone as he would be managing the things in auditorium. I stood near main gate on the reception when I saw the same fleet of cars but this time the middle car was a limousine.

My jaw dropped I quickly composed  myself all the bodyguards in the ten cars have already gotten out.I already hate them how can they not consider a puppy's life on the road. A person from the passenger seat in limousine got out and opened the back door.

A huge man around 6'7' or 6'8'came out and walked towards me. He was staring at me and I got self conscious. I greeted him and after a while he responded coldly. He offered a handshake as him his hands were huge I politely accepted it and introduced myself and told him that I will be escorting him today.

He nodded and started following me. 'In which standard you are' came his cold voice.

'12 sir' I replied nervously.

'Do you know me' he again asked 'yes sir everyone present here knows you as you are the richest person and owner of king enterprises' I replied thinking maybe he is testing my knowledge about him.

He lightly chuckled. We finally reached the auditorium and he occupied the chief guest place. The glass cabin which he was occupying was surrounded by his guards. He is scary no no not only scary but terrifying.

He must have scared away all his competitors that's why he is the richest person. I internally giggled at my thought. I thought he was going to give lecture but no he is only a chief guest.

Continuously I was feeling a gaze on me I looked here and there but wasn't able to find the source. After the lecture was completed he came on the stage to say a few words. He is really scary. He just told us to focus on our studies and be far sighted.

When he was about to leave he said 'Dhvani won't you escort me back' I was shocked and embarrassed as every one was staring at me and the principal was throwing daggers I quickly got up from my seat and smoothed down my skirt and quickly ran towards the door.

Opening the door I waited for him to get out. I quickly apologized and he said never mind. After Mr. Matthews opened the door he sat inside. 'Come in' I heard his voice 'pardon sir' 'I said come and sit inside didn't you paid attention to the lecture' I was shocked yeah I didn't paid attention to the lecture but  who does?

After seeing my confused  face he chuckled and said 'I have to choose a student for internship as my assistant and I chose you'  what internship and that too at king enterprises the bad feeling for sure was wrong everything happening today isn't less than a dream.

'Sir but your firm is quite far and I would have to stay in a hotel but I haven't packed the necessaries and I have to inform my dorm mates and take leave as well.' 'All the things have been taken care of, you shall stay at my mansion and as for clothes they have already been placed in the first car and your principal is intelligent enough to not question it'.

I sat inside the car and the door was closed. Even though the car was big and air conditioning was on full I was still sweating. I can feel his continuous stare on me as I was sitting in front of him and it was very scary. He was sitting like a king even though there was enough leg space for 5 persons his and mine knees were touching.

'Sir' I spoke 'Ace' 'huh' 'call me Ace'. 'Mr.king please may I know why you chose me for the internship. 'Nothing special' hearing his cold response I simply turned my face to the window and I don't know when I dozed off.

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