new morning

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i woke up .why didnt i died . uhh life is so frustrating. i saw i am at my home .i coundnt face my family not after all that has happened.i saw my mother and my brother beside me. why did he leave me here now. now that he has used me he doensnt want me anymore.atleast he could have let me killed myself atleast i would have been spared of the humilation i would face for the rest of my life. i started crying and my sobs waked up my mother. she asked me why i was  crying but i know she knows the answer. 

she consoled me despite herself being broken. 'shh we will file a report.' 'i started shking my head remembering what happened last time.  i told her everything because she deserves to know.

she started crying.

3 weeks later

things arent same as they used to be well for first i have contacted flu and it has been persisting for last 2 weeks ,and my mother gets tensed whenever i throw up.

the doctor has taken my blood as well as urine sample and the reports are out. 

we are sitting waiting for the doctor to come.

1 hour later .

we are at home and i am crying nonstop .i am pregnant that too 3 weeks. i had a fight with my mother after coming from the hospital she is asking me to abort my child. i am not gonna take someone's life

she said thats my decision but as a mother she will advise me to abort my child as i am too young and the doctor said its gonna be a complicated pregnancy.

but i am sure.

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