Triple Happiness

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Dhvani pov

I woke up to find myself in a totally different surrounding and beside me i got the surprise of my life. Ace playing with Xandrea my cute little baby girl was giggling. I smiled but suddenly realized that Xanther and Xavier weren't present here. I suddenly got worried and got up from the bed pulling out the drop and ran towards the door. Ace started following me . I ran towards the first floor worried as hell.

I finally reached my previous room and saw both of them crying. I gently picked both of them they surely must be hungry as I haven't fed them for three hours straight. How bad mother I am. Ace got shocked seeing me holding them yeah I didn't mentioned it to him. He slowly walked towards me and held xanther as he can see I was struggling with both of them.

"I should feed them they are hungry" I said trying to hint that i am not comfortable with him around. "You are going to do so in front of all these people" Yeah I was sharing my room with one more person well because I can't afford a private room. "Yeah" He suddenly looked shocked "I am not letting anyone se what's mine " Wait what did he said mine what am I a dog?

He gently put xanther in the crib and took Xavier from me doing the same. He called a nurse and asked her to shift the cradle in his private room. He suddenly picked me up bridle style  and i was about to shout at him but he gave me the glare that clearly said not now. I glared back at him and he started moving towards his room.

I stayed quiet and I can see the nurse following us. He gently put me on the bed .

I was about to say something but I can hear my babies crying. I got up and picked both of them from the cradle laying them besides Xandrea. All 3 of them cuddled each other. So cute. I first picked up Xandrea so that I can feed her first. "Can you please go outside" I asked him "it's not like I haven't seen anything. "" Yeah how can i forget you are a bloody rapist" His jaw clenched hearing my words. I pulled my t shirt up and my bra and then placed Xandrea on one side and xavier on another as Xanther was busy staring at the wall. I started feeding them. He was continuously staring at my breast. Pervert. He picked up Xanther in his arms and started playing with him. I hate it. Him giving me false hope. Of a family.

After feeding xanther as well I finally laid down tired as all of them were asleep. Suddenly ace came and climbed on top of me and kissed me. "Now it's my chance."

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