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He sat on the sofa in the hall .

'when will you go back' i asked him.he was  shocked listening to me . 'what do you mean 'he asked but i am not going to explain it to him i know he understood it well enough he is more than smart. 

meeting with my silence he stood up and then buttoned up his blazer and started walking towards me 'i am not going anywhere '. i expected it 'i dont want you to stay near my children and leave a bad impression on them and let some harm come to them because of your cruel mafia ways.'

'dhvani get this inside your thick skull that they are our children not only yours and dont even think for a second that i will let them live in povertyb just because there mother couldnt use her mind.this irked me .

'what do you mean that i cant use my mind this all wouldnt have happened had you not raped me huh was i stupid because i let you rape me or was i stupid because i decided to keep my children despite hearing everyones taunts and struggling this much only at the age of 18 when all my classmates are enjoying their life and here i am a mother of three i have not even graduated huh you know what when people ask who is the father i am ashamed my family cant peacefully even go outside and you think i am you know how many times i thought of dying because i am sure that the so called father of my children is a bastard who just used my body and wouldnt have minded sending me to the brothels that he own after getting satisfied '

a harsh slap landed on my cheek .

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