Knowing her

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Ace's pov

I can't focus on anything other than my angel so I asked the driver to return back to the mansion and Andrew was in disbelief for the third time in the day.

He had already asked my PI to investigate and find everything about my angel. I got her file after 20 minutes on my desk at my study at home.

There was a photo of her on the top and I couldn't control myself and started Caressing her picture and finally kissed it. I started reading her information.

Name-Dhvani Sharma
So my angel's name is dhvani. It means melody. I just got shivers speaking her name.

Age - turned 17 year old a few weeks back.
My baby is quite young  exactly 12 years age gap but I don't care for me it's just a number.

DOB-7 May 2006

Class-12 PCB+M
Wow my baby has quite difficult subjects.

School-A scholarship student in St. Knights International school because of being an all rounder as a national player in 10 m pistol shooting and scored 92% in class 10.Well it's one of India's best school my baby is surely not ordinary to get a scholarship here and I didn't expect her to know how to shoot. She is definitely amazing me.

Family-A single mother, grandfather, younger sister and brother.
My poor baby she must have had a difficult life but no worry I will fill her life with happiness.

Relationship status-Single,no bf history
Well I sighed in relief my pure angel.

Aim-Doctor and join WHO
It's one of the things that I can't let her do as I can't imagine her away from me. I am sorry angel.

Colour-All shades of blue
Hobby- Reading books
She will for sure love my library.
Food-Ice cream, cakes, chocolate.
My baby has a sweet tooth, so cute.

Hates:-Violence, Orthodox thinking, Restrictions, Alcohol and Smoking.
Well I am all those things but I will try to change for my angel.

Health status- Asthmatic
No problem I will take precautions.

The thing I needed the most.

Address-Sec-xx, city-xxxxxx, Delhi.
Well this PI for sure deserves an award and I will reward him properly for sure.

I called Andrew and asked him to arrange a workshop in my angel's school so that I can meet my angel officially I have never done these things for anyone but well my angel is special. After a few minutes I got the principal's number.

'Hello' the principal spoke.

'Mr. Knight 'I said in a low voice.

'Who are you' the principal asked.

'Ace King' I again replied in a low voice.

'Mr.King please may I know how I got the honour to talk to you.'He spoke in a trembling voice.

'Arrange a workshop in your school tomorrow at 11 'o' clock and arrange a way for me to meet Dhvani sharma'.

'As you wish king' I ended the call and again started thinking about my baby.

I messaged "Hi angel" to my angel on her whatsapp and started seeing her profile picture she was wearing a beautiful white top and jeans while holding a puppy. My angel really loves animals. After clicking a screenshot of the picture to add to my new collection which already have around 10 pictures.

I have already asked 5 of my bodyguards to keep an eye on her and send a pic of her every hour. Her latest pic was her sitting in classroom listening attentively to the teacher.

I went to my bedroom and saw those puppies in the balcony where there is an attached ground with swing and a pool and now a new kennel. They are gonna stay here from now on so that my angel don't get bored in the future when I am not home.I laid down on the beach chair near my pool and those puppies came near me.

I picked them up and put them near me and started talking with them yes I a mafia king was talking to puppies well love does make you do stupid things.

Dhvani's pov
After classes were over I was rushing out thinking about the puppies I met early morning before school. Even though it was early morning the sun was blazing hot I can't believe how can they survive outside I have already convinced one of my friend to take all of them in. Just as I was about to get out the peon came and asked me to go to principal's office .

I was thinking about all the reasons principal must have called me and concluded that I did nothing wrong maybe for some other reason.'Sir please may I come in' I asked while knocking on the door 'yes' came a response I was afraid of my principal as he was involved in some illegal things but I am not sure as I just heard it from my friends still he is a cold person and rarely smiles.

I greeted him and he replied politely. I sighed as he was at least polite.

'Tomorrow Mr. King is gonna come to our school and you are to escort him.

'Yes sir' I replied, Mr. King as in Ace king the multi billionaire wow I am so excited I am going to have a chance to go so close to him although I want to talk to him but I have heard he rarely talks.

While walking down the road I was searching for the puppies but wasn't able to find them I got tensed and started searching for them even after searching for two hours I wasn't able to find them I thought maybe someone took pity and took them,brightening at the thought I went home.

I turned my mobile on and found a message "Hi angel" I replied "Hello who are you"

After a few seconds the text came "You need not know me angel, just remember to keep away from boys"

And then three photos came of me sitting beside a classmate in class , asking a boy for notebook and old man thanking me for help.

"This time I am sparing them as you didn't know that you belong to me but next time I won't be so kind." Terrified I turned my phone off  and closed the curtain and went to sleep.

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