1. Road trip

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As the carriage comes to it's stop, it forces my head to hit the car door, where I had been sleeping.
"Welcome to a week of paradise!" Says dad, far too excited to be at some Japanese gardens with some tents in it.
"This is far from paradise." I say, pretty bluntly to my dad.

We unload our bags into our tent and decide to sit down for a bit (which I did not think necessary seeing as we had just finished a 4 hour journey to get here)

"I'm going to go explore. I'll be back in a bit" I say
I leave dad in the tent and begin to walk away.

I find where the tents end and the gardens start to begin. It was pretty but also boring. I sit down next to a rather small pond. Only to find that there is somebody there. He looks about my age, with exquisite curly hair and sparkling brown eyes. His jawline is perfection and OH SHIT HES LOOKING AT ME!

"What are you looking at so longingly?" I hear this mysterious boy say to me.

"Uhh nothing" I reply with, trying to cover up the fact I was just staring directly at him.

"Hmm. Sure" he says. A smirk coming to his face.

Damn he's beautiful

"How come your here" I say (and let's face it. Completely out of context)

"What do you mean" he says. The smirk leaving his face.

"Well... you look to be around the same age as me and you are in a Japanese garden looking at yourself in water..." I explain.

"I could say the same about you" He says rather smugly

"I asked first"

"Well my friend Sebastian dragged me here. He's older so he enjoys this boring stuff." He says

"That's almost the same as me" I say, "my dad brought me here. We come here every year to mourn my mums death."

"Oh. I'm sorry for your loss" he says, looking genuinely concerned.

"Thanks. But I didn't really know her. She died at my birth. I was a breach baby"

He looks surprised but I can't tell if it's happiness or not.

"My mum died because of the same reason. I was a breach too" He says.

"So you know how I feel. To not have a mother growing up." I say

"Yeah" he replies with quickly.

He changes the subject pretty fast.

"Looks like we're the only people around here that are under the age of 20"

"Yeah, I guess so" I agree with him

This short conversation leads to an unsettling awkward silence that lasts what feels like an age.

"Where are you from" I try to spark a conversation

"Avonlea" he says "in Prince Edward Island"

"Oh cool! I'm actually moving there next week!" I sound far to excited

His eyes glimmer in the light when I say this and I think he looks happy about it.
I sure am. I gained a crush on this guy faster than you can say corset.

"I'd be glad to see you at school" he says, that beautiful smile back again.

"Yeah I'll be glad there's somebody I know attending that school!" I say

We both laugh

"Hey I never got your name" I say, "mines Idalia, but you can call me Lia"

"Nice to meet you Lia" he says "my names Gilbert, Gilbert Blythe"

I can't find words

Gilbert. Gilbert. Gilbert is such an exquisite name. It just rolls off the tongue. Blythe, that too. He's just perfect.

Yes, that's the word.


"Nice to meet you, Gilbert Blythe"

"Oh. Please call me Gilbert" he says. Polite as ever.

"Ok then. I will... Gilbert"

We stare at each other for a moment. I'm not sure why but I feel he might be thinking something because he is not quite smiling yet not confused.

I see a muscle in his jaw move as he stands up looking startled.
"Uhh I should probably get back to my friend" he says.

"Oh okay. I'll see you around"

"You too. It was really nice to meet you, Lia" he says

I stare at him as he walks away. He turns around and I pretend I was never watching him. God. The embarrassment.

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