10. Back to school

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We both wake up from our very loud alarm and go into the bathroom and brush our teeth at the same time.

I am so happy that I actually have a boyfriend who loves me. And one that I love too.

We go into the kitchen and Sebastian is already there, he notices how happy me and Gilbert are while we walk out of the bedroom, and how we keep smiling at each other.

He gestures for me to come over and he asks me what's going on.

"Gilbert confessed his feelings for me!" I say, Bash already knowing that he liked me.

The thing is with this situation. I told Bash that I like Gilbert and Gilbert told Bash that he likes me. But Sebastian being Sebastian he didn't do anything about it. And I didn't know that he knew until now.

"Thank the lord, he's liked you since the campsite."

"He has?"


"Damn ok, and why didn't you tell me this"

"Well I wanted to see what would happen"

"Well now you know, he's my boyfriend now"

"Interesting" says Bash

"You know I can hear you both right" says Gilbert from about a meter away.

"Uhh yeah" I say. (I did not)

"Oh well, look you two you're gonna be late for your first day back at school"

"Yeah alright, let's go Lia"


We walk the 30 mins to school and get there just on time. As soon as we enter together everyone looks at us. However it's not until I walk into the actual room after putting my bags back that Mr Philips stares at me. And smiles his horrible little smirk.

I sit down quietly and begin to take notes when needed.

It gets to lunch and as I am about to walk over to Gilbert, Diana comes up to me.

"Hi, Idalia, right?"

"Yeah that's me, your Diana right?"

"Yeah, I was wondering if you'd anted to be friends"

"Sure, I mean, I've never really had any friends apart from Gilbert before."

"Oh that's okay, I don't like how my group are talking about you recently, they say that you're plan was to burn your own house down just to live with Gilbert"

I laugh

"Sounds more like their plan, I see the way they look at him"

"Yeah. Ruby is madly in love with him."

My stomach churns.

"Well if we are going to be friends, then I can tell you the only secret I've ever had. Me and Gilbert are together" I say, "but you can't tell anyone because they will all make a great deal of it"

I lied about that being the only secret I've had. Since we are only just friends I assume I am not supposed to say that I've been raped my the man that is sat about 3 meters away from us.

"Really! I just thought you were close friends! Well now I think of it, it seems to make sense, I could have sworn I saw you hold hands this morning in the woods."

"You have to go through the woods too?"

"Yeah I live opposite Gilbert behind some trees. There's a trail that lasts a while but it's not that far"

"I see."

"Well would you like to sit with us for lunch. Me and Gilbert I mean" I say, probably too fast.

"Umm let me think. YES I'd do anything to get away from Josie pie and Ruby!"

"Fair enough"

We walk over to Gilbert and he asks why Diana is here. I explain that we are now friends and how she will be sitting with us from now on."

Gilbert seems on board and is very happy that we can be a trio.

"Are you two going to Aunt Josephine's party on Sunday?"

"A party?" Gilbert asks

"Yes!" I say with no hesitation, if there's alcohol I'll be there.

"Well, looks like we are going" says Gilbert, smiling intently at me.

I smile back and then the bell goes.

"See you tomorrow guys!" Says Diana.

The last lesson was pretty boring but I got through it. Me and Gilbert then walk home and chit chat about random things that take our interest.

We get home and Sebastian isn't home, he must be on a walk with Delphine.

"What should we do... empty house, spare time..."

"I wonder... why don't you share some ideas"

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