22. Holiday?

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Lia's POV

As we board the ship we wave to bash and delly as we drift off, we go to the receptionist and ask for the key to our room. Our room is number 116 and it takes us around 20 minutes to find it.

"We are finally here!" I say to Gilbert excitedly.

"We are indeed, and I wouldn't ask to be here with anyone in the world but you idalia."

"Oh Gilbert I love you so much. You are so thoughtfu- Gilbert? Gilbert what are you doing-?"

I stand there in shock as I watch the love of my life get down on one knee. He reaches round to his pocket and pulls out a ring. The most beautiful ring I have ever seen in my life.

"Idalia, the moments I have spent with you have been the greatest moments of my life, I feel like our bond is stronger than anything, and I think you feel the same way. So, if you do, will you make me the happiest man on earth by giving me your hand in marriage, idalia will you marry me?"

The biggest smile meets my face. But right before I can say anything the smile fades
Shit, not now, not here!

I feel that normal churn in my stomach. I can't say anything or I will throw up.

I quickly run to the bathroom and instantly vomit in the toilet.

"Lia? Lia what's wrong are you okay?"

I still can't speak, I just hover over the toilet and wait for it to all come out.

"Oh lia I'm so sorry, is it motion sickness?"

I wipe my mouth and then begin to shake my head.

"It's not? Then what is it?"

"Gilbert, I think there's something wrong. I've been throwing up every morning for about two weeks now. I didn't want to tell you because I thought it would pass but i think I might be seriously sick"

"Oh no lia, I'm so sorry, well I have read about this kind of thing in my studying. Vomiting is a symptom of a lot of illnesses, is there anything else that's been happening?"

"Well, I have been gaining weight even though I've been throwing up everything... I thought that was strange."

After I say this he gives me a relieved but also concerned look.

"What, what is it? Am I dying?"

"No lia, you're not dying... it's quite the opposite"

"Well, what do you mean?"

"Tell me something? Have you had any odd cravings since this has all been happening?"

"Well not really odd but I have been through phases of hating and liking foods that I normally am fine with"

"Yes. Alright. Well I want to take you to the boat's doctor to see if what I think is true, but before that I believe you didn't answer my question"

I smile and laugh a little.

"Gilbert. Of course I'll marry you."

He smiles and placed the beautiful ring on my finger.

I have never been so happy yet so concerned before.

We go down to the doctors office but it seems to be locked. Gilbert goes to knock on the door when we hear something from inside.

It sounds like a woman, in distress.

"I think there's two people in there." Gilbert says.

"Yes and she doesn't sound happy. I know that cry I think she's maybe going through what I did..."

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