3. School

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I wake up and I'm in my new bedroom. It's gorgeous. I'm so glad I'm here. I look beside me and see my clock.
It takes me a minute to comprehend but then it clicks.

I must have slept in!

I quickly get out of bed and put on the first dress I see in my bag (I haven't unpacked yet.)

I do my hair in a style that suits the blue colour of my dress and then I skip breakfast and practically run to school

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I do my hair in a style that suits the blue colour of my dress and then I skip breakfast and practically run to school.

I arrive, but before I enter I catch my breath so nobody thinks I've been worried about being late.

I open the door and instantly everyone turns around and I have about 20 people looking at me.
Including Gilbert.

I look at the teacher and nobody else because I don't want to be looking at the wrong person.

"You must be Idalia, please take a seat next to Josie Pie."

I say nothing and follow the teachers orders.

The lesson goes on and suddenly there is a spelling bee. I'm not quite sure if this is normal here but we never had spelling bees in any of the other schools I'd been to.

Mr Philips chooses 5 people to go to the front and take part in the bee.

A girl called Anne,
A boy named Billy,
Another boy named Cole,
And, just because he wanted to make my life that little bit harder today. Me.

We all stand from our desks and make our way to the front.

Anne seems nice enough and she has the most glorious red hair I have ever seen. I make sure to stand next to her and Gilbert because of Anne's kindness (she instantly smiled in a friendly way as I entered the school earlier today.) and Gilbert because of his... everything.

Goodness, I forgot how beautiful he is.

Pull it together Lia! Just get through this... you're good at spelling
I tell myself

"Here are the rules" Mr Philips begins, "I say a word and one of your names. You spell it correctly and you stay in. You spell it incorrectly and you sit back down. Last person standing wins."

We all nod our Heads and he begins.

"beauty" he points at Billy.
"B-E-U-T-Y" Billy spells.
"Incorrect. Sit down."

Next he points at Gilbert before saying the word to spell.
"Aroused" he looks at me as he says this.

I start to feel uncomfortable, I think Gilbert notices as he steps a little closer to me.

He spells, "A-R-O-U-S-E-D"
"Correct, Blythe"

He now points toward Anne. But still is staring at me.
"Appealing" "go"

She spells. "A-P-E-A-L-I-N-G"
"Incorrect, there's a double 'p' you imbecile" "sit down"

She sits quietly.

Next he turns to Cole. Obviously leaving me to last.


A few gasps appear around the room but I ignore it.

"G-E-N-I-T-A-Y-L-I-A' Cole spells.
"Incorrect. Go sit"

Now he steps closer to me and does not look anywhere else.

I'm scared

I step back and Gilbert knows what I am thinking so he steps in front of me a little. I think to protect me.

"Idalia. It's your turn."
"Spell..." " intercourse"

A small gasp escapes my mouth as I step back further.


"Blythe. Spell... parchment"

Gilbert looks at me in a reassuring way that he has a plan. Who knows what he is planning.

Mr Philips smiles
"Incorrect" "Idalia you win. Both of you sit down"

We sit down and I understand what he did. He made a mistake on purpose so it was over.

I mouth the words 'thank you' across the class room and he replies with a gorgeous smile.

The day ends and as I go to grab my stuff, Mr Philips comes up to me.

"Good work today. Can I see you early tomorrow to make up for being late today? I want you an hour early and no later."

He walks away before I can say a single word. Well I have that to look forward too.

As I go to open the door to leave... another hand does it before mine. Gilbert. I let out a smile uncontrollably. He is such a gentleman.

"May I walk you home. Id love to chat"

"I think that would be ok." I say

We begin to walk when we enter the forest and nobody else is around.

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened with Me Philips today. He is a creep" He says, a shine in his eye.

"It's fine. I do have to go in early tomorrow because I was late today so I'll let you know how that goes"

"Please do. I want to make sure you are okay. He is not a nice man"

"I got that impression"

we laugh a little and carry on walking.

"Well, this is me" he says

"Oh okay, I know where you live now... in case of emergency that is."

He smiles and then says "or if you just wanted to hang out sometime. I'm sure Delphine wouldn't mind"

"Who's Delphine?" I ask.

"Oh she's my friend bash's daughter."

"Aww cute how old?"

"5 and a half, her mom died when she was around 6 months old"

"Oh I'm sorry to hear"

"Oh it's fine. The past is the past."

"Okay then. I'll see you tomorrow at school" I say as I start walking away.

I look back and he is already looking at me. That's twice now.

How embarrassing.

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