13. the teachers lesson

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Gilbert's POV

I go outside, still not wearing a shirt. as I run down towards the creep i see that he has woken up.


he smiles at me and laughs.


"Gilbert, please calm down, let me explain."

I can't contain my anger. but I do so, I want to know what this bastard has to say for himself.

"What could you possibly have as an excuse for this."

"Well, when Idalia first came in. The first thing I thought was how beautiful she was. I then decided to shoot my shot and be smart, i am her teacher she can't do anything about it"

"You motherfucker."

He stands up

"Are you seriously going to do this Blythe?"

"I am going to do whatever it is you deserve."

"And what's that"

I don't talk just punch

I hit in round the face and it makes him step back a little.

I then punch him in the stomach. This winds him and makes him fall to the floor.

"Your gonna regret even talking to her"

"Oh I don't know about that, she's very... touchable"

"You fucker."

I kick him and tell him that if I see him near her at all again I will tell the Avonlea newspaper and have him fired.

He walks away and I go back I to the house, Hoping that Lia is somewhat okay now.

Lia's POV

"You rest up, I'll stay here by your side" Sebastian says to me in a quiet, scared voice.

I nod my head and shut my eyes.

I am pretty sure that I fell asleep because when I woke up, Bash wasn't there anymore. Gilbert was.

"Gilbert? You're here?" I'm not sure why I sound so surprised.

"Yes my love, I'm here now. You are okay."

"Well that's good"

He smiles

"Hey, Gilbert..."


"Did you tell Bash what happened."

"Yes. But not the details, delly was in the same room"

"Oh okay, thats understandable"

"I'll tell him details when Delphine is asleep" I offer

"Oh, Lia you don't have to do that."

"No. I want to get the message out."

"Okay." He looks down.

"You okay?" I ask

"Yeah... I'm just glad you're safe. I love you Idalia."

"I love you too."

Gilbert leaves the room and I can slightly hear what he is saying to Sebastian.

"I got so fucking worried about her Bash. I thought he was trying to kill her. I can't loose her"

I can hear a choke in his voice as he says this. But soon enough I can hear him crying.

I hear Sebastian's voice next, muffled probably because he's giving Gilbert a hug.

"She's ok, she's okay and she will be as long as you stick with her."

All I can hear now is Gilbert's crying.

I decide to try and get up so that I can go out there and hug him. I sit up in the bed, my head spinning. I push through and throw my legs off the side of the bed. I try to stand up and almost fall in the process, I stabilise myself with the wardrobe. 

I walk out of the room and open the door. I can see Gilbert. Sat down next to Bash, crying his eyes out.

He sees me and instantly cries more.

"Lia, what are you doing out of bed? You need to rest my love."

"I heard you crying, I just wanted to come and comfort you. I love you so much I don't want to hear you cry."

"That's so sweet love, but you need to go to bed, look I'll come with you and we can hug there, while you rest okay?"


We go into the bedroom and lie down, he wraps his arm around me in a way that makes me feel safe.

We hold each other and I never want this moment to end.

"Lia, you know I care about you with my whole heart right."

"I know."

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