6. Another new home?

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I realise that I am sat in a pile of ash, holding my father's dead body. I have been sat her now for over 10 minutes. crying into my dad's corpse. I get up. Say my Last goodbyes to my dad, grab my bags and go to the only other place I have left to go. and I am dreading it because I am still crying my eyes out and there is snot running down my face and I am probably bright red and covered in ash. But it is the only place I can go. Gilbert's house.

I make my way pretty quickly because my bags are really heavy. I finally get there and I can barely breathe. I still can not stop crying but I nock on the door regardless.

The door opens and when I see his face, I drop to the floor, my body does not have enough energy to cry this much at once. I am crying like a 4 year old at this point.

"Lia! Lia what's happened, come inside!"

I don't move

I can barely talk through the crying but I am able to make out the words "I.... I- I- I ca- can't...... m- move"

"I know, I know, it's going to be hard, but I need you to try, its cold out here. Please Lia, for me?"

"I- I will try."

I manage to get up, with Gilbert's support.

"ok, sit in here, I am going to let you catch you breath for a bit."

"n-no" I manage to say as he is leaving.

"you want me to stay?"

I nod my head.

"I need someone near me" I say in one breath

"okay. I will stay. want a hug?"

I nod my head again

he comes over and sits on the bed next to me, moves my bags to the floor and before he can hug me I hug him first. I practically leap into his arms and I hold him as tightly as I can, as if it is hug him or die.

He hugs me back and holds me tightly, I figure he knows I need it.

"just breathe."

"In, and out."

I do as he says and soon enough I catch my breath and I can talk after about a 5 minute long hug.

We softly let go of each other and I begin to explain.

"take as much time as you want" he says

"well, lets just say that the smoke smell was not a campfire."

"I got home and my house was burned down"

"I found my dad underneath some rubble and he told me that he saved my stuff before himself so that I can live my life"

my eyes start to tear up again

I take a deep breath.

"then he died in my arms"

"I had nowhere to go so I came here because I kind of feel. like I don't have to hide anything from you, I feel safe around you. which is why I came here in that state"

I smile but it quickly fades.

he looks so concerned.

"I am so sorry that you had to go through all of that"

"I am glad you came here, I feel safe around you too. you can stay here as long as you want. We are here for you."

"I am here for you"

I start to cry again and as he notices, he pulls me in to a warm, soothing, hug.

great. I live with my crush.

"Where will I sleep?"

"you can sleep in my bed, I will sleep on the couch."

"I don't want to be alone tonight. Do you think we could share the bed?"

"sure... only if that is what you are comfortable with?"


"okay then"

he walks out the room to tell Bash and Delphene that I am going to be living here now. And that we are going to share the room.

I can't lie I am not unhappy that I share a room and LIVE with the boy I like.

I'm all yours (Gilbert X oc)Where stories live. Discover now