5. Ash

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Lia's POV

Good. People are showing up. We can end this conversation. Although I do want to tell him. Truly he is the only person I would ever want to tell. I must make peace with it myself first.

We make our way into the classroom, which I dread. I never want to see that man's face again. I've only been here two days and I already have trauma.

The day does go by, but very slowly. At the end of the day, Gilbert asks to walk me home again. Of course I say yes. I will take any excuse to see him for that little while longer.

We walk and talk for about half an hour and we get to his house.

"Do you smell smoke?" I ask

"Barely, maybe someone is having a campfire to get rid of some unneeded wood or weeds."

"That would make sense."

"See you tomorrow in school Lia"

"Goodbye Gilbert" I say as I walk away.

However as I walk away, the scent of smoke keeps getting stronger and stronger.

I let it pass me until I start to see smoke. Then I get worried.

I start walking faster. To make sure nobody is in trouble.

Then I see the smoke slow down but still come from the same direction. The direction my house is in. My pace turned to a run.

I start to see ash in the air and I know it's more than a campfire.

I run down the ally of trees and get to where my house should be. Instead it is a pile of ash and burned wood.

There is a suitcase and some bags on the floor. They look like they have been thrown, maybe out of a window.

There is paper on the bags I go closer. The tears start to fall out my eyes as I realise it is a letter.

I open the letter and see this:

My dearest daughter Idalia,

I tried to put out the fire, I truly did. As soon as I knew I could no longer fight the fire I went upstairs and packed your bags. I saved your things and threw them outside so that you can still have a life when I am gone. The fire is covering all exits. I am stuck.

Please never forget me. I will be with you always.

- dad

I can't control the tears any longer. I fall to the floor and start balling my eyes out. My father. My only family. Is gone. Gone forever.

I take my bags and sit next to them. I cry and stare at this letter. How can this be? I thought this was our fresh start.

I then hear a groan from underneath the rubble. I rush towards it and move the heavy wood as fast as I can. There lays my Father. Not dead, but not for long.


"Now, Lia... I don't have long. I found air. In the pantry. I stayed there and tried to get out. Before I knew it the house fell on me."

I sob right onto his face. Tears falling onto his face, clashing with his own tears.

"Dad... you put my things before your own safety?"

"Yes. I know I'm the end I wouldn't make it. You need to live your life."

He starts to cough

"Dad. Don't talk anymore. Just hug me in your last moments"


"Dad I love you"

No reaction


I hear his breathe out. But not back in again.


His eyes are closed.


I can no longer get words out.

I just sit there and cry. Holding my fathers corpse in my arms.

This is quite literally the worst day of my life.

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