24. Result

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Gilbert's POV:

[3 days to go]

Since we don't get the DNA test results for another few days, I am hoping that me and Lia can have somewhat of an okay holiday in Trinidad.

The ship arrives and we get off and through all of the security checks.

"It's really beautiful here" Lia says to me

"I know, when I came here the first time I was blown away."

She walks over to a nearby food stand and asks me what a particular exotic fruit is.

"That is a mango, a game changer if you ask me, they are lovely." I tell her

"May I buy one to try it?"

"Of course." And I give her a small amount of money to do so.

After she takes her first bite her eyes light up as if it's what's been missing from her life for years.

"Woah there my love... don't cheat on me with a piece of fruit now." I say jokingly

She laughs and says "I wouldn't dream of cheating on you sweetheart- although you weren't wrong about the mango. It's gorgeous."

We walk on for a bit and come across the hotel we are staying at. We decide to go and have a look at our room and settle in a bit.

Lia's POV

[2 days to go]

I wake up with the love of my life laying beside me, that is the one thing that assures me everything is going to be okay. I'm not saying I haven't been worrying about this whole situation but either way Gilbert is going to be the father of this child.

I get up as I feel something stirring inside me...

"shit shit shit, bathroom... NOW"

I must have woken Gilbert up in my haste. "Lia? Darling are you alright?" he asks.

I don't answer him as I am already throwing up every last ounce of food I have consumed in the last 24 hours.

"ohh, morning sickness" he says as he comes in the hold my hair back.

"Please don't tell me this will happen every single morning of my pregnancy" I say as I wipe my mouth.

"No it should only last a few weeks darling, this is just your body's reaction to what's happening to you. "

"thank fuck for that"

we go and get dressed and go to get some food as my nausea cam down throughout the morning.

Gilbert's POV

[1 days to go]

I think that the morning sickness is really getting to Lia... I hope that it stops soon. I am also worrying about everything at this point, there's only one day until I find out I the woman I love bears my child or the school bully. It is all very unsettling.

Lia's POV

[result day]

"Come on Gilbert the meeting is today lets go!"

"I'm coming, are you sure you are okay?"

"Yes I just need to know and I will be fine"

we leave the little hotel, we walk through the beautiful town and we get to the docks. we board the ship and to our surprize, the doctor is waiting at our room. shit. this is all getting real.

"I am sorry you have been waiting doc, please come in." Gilbert says kindly to him, as I have no words we just sit tight and wait for him to break the news to us.

Just before he is about to tell us, Gilbert speaks.

"Could you please tell Lia what the result is and then leave. I want to hear the news from the woman I love."

"By all means." the doctor says.

The doctor leans toward me and whispers in my ear the result. He then gets his stuff and leaves.

I turn to look at Gilbert and I instantly burst into tears. I am crying so loud I can barely talk. The information I have just been given is so overwhelming that I just couldn't hold it in.

I notice the worry in Gilbert's eyes as he sees my tears. He can't tell if I am happy or sad.

For the sake of his knowing, I calm myself down and look at him.

Slowly I smile.

"Gilbert, my love. The baby is yours."

Just saying it makes my cry even more but this time Gilbert joins in, I see a tear roll down him face as he says "Really? I am a father?"

I answer with an enthusiastic nod.

We instantly run and throw ourselves at each other and take part in a hug that is so full of love.

He looks down at me. He wipes the wet from my eyes and he places his warm lips onto mine. Both of us can tell where this is going based off of our love and excitement.

Suddenly the kiss grows more passionate and we begin to lie down on the bed. He unbuttons my dress and throws it onto the floor, He then takes his clothes off and his lips return to mine. His kisses get lower and lower and I feel his hands doing their job down there as he rubs my clit and kisses my breast. Slowly he moves his waist toward me and slides himself into me. I let out a small moan as he does this and he laughs his cute little giggle. His thrusts get so aggressive that we shake the bed and the whole boat can probably hear my moans.

This continues for about 5 minutes until he pulls out and finishes all over me and then rubs his cock against my clit until I climax.

Fuck. This man can do things. This beautiful man is the fucking father of my beautiful child and I wouldn't rather have it any other way.

"Lia..." I hear him say.

"Yes my love?"

"Bash doesn't even know that you are pregnant... We need to tell him everything when we get home."

"I know, and I know that he will be supportive."

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