16. Time to get rid

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Lia's POV

~two weeks later~

Now that I have mainly recovered from the event of two weeks ago, we are going to go to the head of the school system in our town and tell them about Mr Philips. Hopefully that Mrs Stacey can stay because Gilbert said that she seems nice. At least nicer than Mr Philips, but that's not hard.

We go into town and reach the hall.

"You sure you're okay?" I hear Gilbert ask from behind me.

"Yes. Let's just do this. People need to know what's happened."

"Come on, let's get this man fired."

We walk in and see the meetings table with a group of people talking at it.

The only lady who is sat at the table speaks up when she sees up come in.

"This is meeting time! No body other than the town governors can be in this room at this time! I suggest you leave."

"We are not governors," I say, "but however out voices can still be heard. We are here to discuss something with you. We need just 10 minutes of your time."

"Please ma' am, it's urgent." Gilbert says.

"Well, what do you all think? We were close to finish anyway..."

The men on the table agree that we and talk.

Gilbert begins.

"We are here to say that our current teacher, Mr Philips, should be fired and Mrs Stacey should stay. Mr Philips has been teaching me my whole life and I have learnt more from Mrs Stacy in one day than I have Me Philips in my life."

"But there is another reason," I start "the true reason we came here today is because Mr Philips is a danger. To me and other girls my age and younger. I moved here around 10 weeks ago. Would you like to find out what happened on second day at school?"

"What was it girl?" One of the men says

"I was asked to go in school early that day, since I was late the day before, and I got in school and he did not make me do chores. Or teach me anything that I missed. He simply raped me. He abused me and raped me."

"Oh my." The lady says.

About two weeks ago I had been on a walk to my friends house and I saw mr Philips. I tried to avoid him but he saw me. He attempted to rape me there and then. On the floor right in front of my house. Luckily, Gilbert here heard my screams and he saved me. The next day mr Philips showed up to my house, I was not in school as I was resting and he had called into you that he was sick. Instead on his 'sick day' he came into my house and attempted to kill me.
He had a blade and was going to slit my throat."

"Well. As much as this is horrible news. You people have no proof. We cannot take action until we have proof."

"Except we do have proof" Gilbert says.

"In our house he kicked out bathroom door down un order to get in when Idalia was hiding. Then he pulled her out and tried to kill her"

"Well, I will have to come and see this door then."

"I will come to your house tomorrow Gilbert, see you and your friend then."

"It's Idalia, and thank you."

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