17. Evidence

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Lia's POV

We get back at the house and I go to the bathroom. I stare at the door. The door that just happens to be on the bathroom floor. I just stand there and stare at it. I don't know how this is all going to work out.

I feel a warm hug from behind.

"It's all going to be okay. I will make sure of it." Says Gilbert's soft voice.

"Thank you."

He turns me around and we just stand there and hold each other in a warm grasp for what feels like forever. I didn't want it to stop.

I let go and look into his glistening eyes.

"I love you Gilbert."

He smiles and lets out a little chuckle

"What. Why are you laughing?"


"Not tell me!"

"It's nothing! I just didn't realise that you love me as much as I love you."

I feel like I have heard that before. Where have I heard that?


"Hang on a Minute" I say as i Walk out the room and go to the bedroom to see if the letter is where I left it.

"What's wrong my love?" He asks, following me.

The letter is in the draw. I never put it there.

"You read the letter?"


I look down in disappointment.
I am not disappointed in him. I'm disappointed in my self.

"Hey, are you okay? I'm sorry i shouldn't have read it."

"No I'm not mad at you I'm mad at myself. Gilbert i shouldn't have written it in the first place."

"Why not?"

"It's made me miss my dad even more and it's just a reminder that I can never see him again."

"Well. For what it's worth... it was a beautiful letter. It made me feel quite sad and happy at the same time."

"How do you mean?"

"Well it was sad how you were saying things like 'I can't wait for you to come back' and it was happy because you wrote in there how much you love the people around you and in your life now. And how you were unsure how much i love you."

All I do is smile.

"For reference. I like a lot of people and I love few people but the feeling I have for you can't be described. You are my favourite person. To me... you are home."

"Really? You actually feel that way about me?"

"Of course... Idalia you are the best thing that has ever happened to me."
He steps closer
"That night... our first night... was the best night of my existence."

I run up to him and kiss him.

"I love you so much."

"It's getting late i am going to wash up and get ready for bed."

"Okay my love."

About 10 minutes passes and we get into bed.

I can't sleep. I roll over about five times trying to get in the right position.

"Can you not sleep, my love?" I hear Gilbert day

"I can't, sorry did I wake you?"

"No... I can't sleep either."

"Oh okay."


"Yes Gilbert?"

"You know that conversation we were having earlier..."

"Which one."

"The one where I was proving how much you mean to me."

"Oh right. Yeah... what about it?"

"Well I have thought of a way to prove it. For good. More than just saying I love you."

"Oh yeah? And what's that?"

"Well. I know that you love to go on adventures... and I know that Sebastian hasn't seen his family in a long time... I thought we could all go on a family trip to Trinidad?"


He smiles


"You want to go?"


"Okay how about we go at the end of term. We could spend some of the summer there?"

"I'd love that!"

We both then try and get some sleep and we both fall asleep almost suddenly.

I cannot contain my excitement!


We hear a knock at the door

"That must be Rachel."

"Yes. Let her in."

We let her in and she asks to go straight to the bathroom to investigate.

We walk her to it and she is stunned.

"Well I have to say I am lost for words. I am so sorry that this is the reality of things these days."

"Well. He hasn't shown himself just yet but we haven't been back at school yet."

"Well we can only hope that you Gilbert have scared him off."


She goes out of the room and simply tells us that she will tell the post what she has seen. And to give her a few days to get back to us on a final decision.

She leaves us with that very small amount of information.

We can only hope.

I'm all yours (Gilbert X oc)Where stories live. Discover now