18. the ugly truth

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Lia's POV

As it is now Monday and I am feeling well, I am going to go back to school. I am not excited if I am going to be honest. But I have decided that it is time to start telling people what has happened, now that the information is out to the Avonlea post, I'd rather people hear what happened because I told them, not because they read it in the local newspaper. And I will have Gilbert to back me up. That is the only part, if I'm honest, that makes me confident about this plan. I feel that the hardest part surprisingly won't be telling telling Mrs Stacey, or the class, but it will be showing up to school. I have not been in school since Mr Philips was 'off sick' and I haven't yet met Mrs Stacey. I am sure that everyone will ask why I have been off for so long. I suppose I should just get on with it and do what I have to do.

"Lia, my love it's time to leave."

"oh okay." I reply to Gilbert's sweet voice.

"are you okay? you looked very deep in thought then..."

"yes, I was just thinking about the plan."

As we walk out the door we continue this conversation while Gilbert gives me a comforting and reassuring look.

"well, were you thinking about the plan in a good way... or a bad way?"

"Gilbert, what if the plan doesn't work the way we want it to. what if when we tell everyone they don't believe me and they all think I'm a horrible person and that I am doing it for attention. Gilbert... the thought came to my mind, The thought that Mr Philips will be there when we get to school."

he looks at me with a frown. He clearly doesn't like the fact that I am letting my brain have these intrusive thoughts.

"look Lia, We both know that this is going to be hard, but it has to be done. You are worried that nobody will believe you? they will. They will because they all know how much of a creep Mr Philips is. Lia last year he almost married a girl from our class..."

"wait really? How is he not already fired then?!"

"The government didn't care. They blamed the girl for saying yes to the engagement, but what they didn't know was that it was forced. Poor Prissy, she was such a lovely girl but after that happened she decided to leave the school and stay at home, she gained social anxiety so fast after that."

"I feel so bad for her. Ok That has made me want to go through with the plan even more. We need to right for what's right."

"I am so proud of you Idalia. The way you have picked yourself up after so many times of being nocked down. you are a strong woman."

"I really appreciate that Gilbert. Thank you."

"Your welcome. look, we are coming up to school now, you sure you are okay?"

"yeah. I am ready."

we walk the rest of the way to school and gilbert goes to open the door for me. I decide to stop him, today, as much as I need Gilbert, I need to be independent. I open the door and walk in. I am relieved to see not Mr Philips at the teacher's desk, not even a man, I see a woman. A deeply beautiful woman, with luxurious blonde hair, I already know I like her because she is wearing trousers. Trousers! She also doesn't seem to be wearing a corset. She is a definite improvement to Mr Philips. She turns round and sees me.

"You must be Idalia, hello. My name is Mrs Stacey."

"Nice to meet you Mrs Stacey, may I talk with you in private, it is about why I have not been in school for a few weeks."

"Yes of course. why don't we go to the store room"

my heart skips a beat. The last time I was in that room I was with Mr Philips. I can't make a bad impression on the new teacher so I swallow my nerves and ignore my past trauma, I agree and follow her into the room.

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