2. New home

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Gilbert's POV

"BASH HURRY UP THE CARRIAGE IS HERE" I shout as I walk further from the tent.
"Uncle Gilbert why are you shouting?" I hear an innocent little voice coming from Delphine.
I laugh a little under my breath
"Because your daddy is taking forever to pack!" I make sure to say this a little louder so Sebastian can hear.

"Enough of that" says Bash as he crawls out of the tent.

As we are in the carriage about to leave, I see the girl.
She told me to call her Lia.
She seems quite interesting, and she has a similar background to me.

She is also really pretty.
I've never thought or said that about anyone before.

It's true though. She is very pretty.

"What are you looking at so intently" I hear Bash's voice from in-front of me.

"Oh uhh" I panic "nothing. Just looking out the window"
I didn't want to tell him because I knew he would make fun of me. I can't be bothered to deal with that right now.

I was too preoccupied with Lia's beautiful face.

"Ok sure..." Bash says, confused.

Lia's POV

Ok i don't know what that was but did he just stare at me through his carriage window?

Maybe he expected me to wave?

Or he didn't know I could see him?

Or maybe. I'm overthinking it all.

He probably forgot about me since I seem to be extremely forgettable. To... literally everyone.

God. Why do I always do this?!?!!

I always fall for the first guy I see in a new place. And then I love him and I flirt and we get together and eventually I mess up somewhere along the line. And it's over.

Why can't I just have a relationship that stays?

Who knows.

Our carriage arrives and we get in.

"Dad" I say

"Yes sweetheart"

"What if I told you I'm happy to move this time"

"I'd be glad!" He says excitedly

"Cool, because I met someone at the gardens... a boy named Gilbert" I explain, "he seems nice. He will be going to the school I'm joining"

"A boy."

Why is that all that he took from that.

"Yes dad. A boy"

"Don't make the wrong decisions, always do what you feel is right. Never change for anyone. Ok?" He says

"Thank you for the lecture dad. But yes. I'll be careful"

I must have fallen asleep because the carriage stopping woke me up again. And I have yet another bruise.

"Time to get on the train to Avonlea"

"daaadd, why are you always so excited when we get off of vehicles?"

"I don't know Sweetpea... maybe because we are going somewhere new and we are going to live there. That's pretty exciting if you ask me."

"sure dad, sure." but as I say this I remember the boy... Gilbert. "actually I'm pretty happy we are moving this time. you know what they say... 14th times a charm. heh..."

"This isn't because of that Gilbert boy is it Lia?" He asks.

It is, it definitely is, I can't stop thinking about that boy's stupid, inhumanly beautiful face.

"no, dad. of course not. I'm going to be his friend and if something happens... then I'll act on it. I like the idea of Avonlea. I'm not messing it up this time."

"Alright. I understand honey. that's very mature of you. I'm proud."

"Thanks dad." I make it clear that that's where I want the conversation to end and he picks up my message and nods and goes back to his book.

Our new home. Its beautiful, I cant believe I get to live here. And best of all. Gilbert only lives 20 minutes away.

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