8. sick memory

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Gilbert's POV

The beautiful girl that I have just had an amazing time with is in the shower. I am still sat down, on the bed, under the covers, completely naked. I am thinking over what we had just done. I think that was her first time, it was only my second. The first time, was with a girl called Winifred. God... I remember how irritating she was, how I felt pressured into getting into bed with her. She wouldn't stop leading me on. But that is the past. I do not have to deal with her anymore.

Lia steps out of the bathroom, wearing only a towel.

"you feel better now, darling?"

"yes. thank you."

"good. I just want to say, I don't want this to be a one off thing. I really like you Idalia."

"I figured that, I really like you too Gilbert." she says, "I do need to confess something though... that was my first, you know... time."

"I see, did you like it?" I say as I stand up and get dressed.

"Yes, very much so."

Lia's POV

I was going to tell him about Mr Philips after I got out of the shower, but now that I told him it was my first time I think I should leave it for a bit. I might tell him tomorrow.

But does Mr Philips count as my first time? Does rape count? Or does it only count if it is done with consent?

I don't even know. I am not going to count it. I don't want to remember that as my first time.



"I have liked you since the day we met, since the day that my eyes met yours. Gilbert I have fallen hard for you."

"Really? since the campsite?"

"yes, and now that I can trust that you are not going to tell a soul, I can tell you what happened with Mr Phillips."

"Are you sure? you don't have too. don't feel pressured to because we just slept together."

"I was going to tell you anyway. I just thought that now I know we are on the same page I should tell you sooner rather than later."

"Okay, if that's what you feel is the right thing to do, then tell me."

"I am just going to cut to the point here. He raped me."

Gilberts face instantly changes from a smile to a frown.

"Fuck" he says

"It's all my fault, he asked me to do chores and I said I would rather learn something and he said that he would teach me a lesson. I didn't realise that's what he meant. god. Describing this just feels like a sick memory."

my eyes start to build up tears as I remember back to this moment. Gilbert notices and instantly hugs me as tightly as the day my dad died.

"none of this was your fault." he says, "That man is a horrible person and should not be allowed to be a teacher."

I cry

"do you hear me Lia, you are innocent, what he did was wrong and he is guilty of it, you are safe and I got your back if he ever comes near you again."

"Thank you Gilbert."

"soooo, going a bit off topic now but you 'protecting' me from him sounds like a thing a boyfriend would do."

"so your saying you want to be more than friends with benefits?"

"you better be being sarcastic."

"of course I am, Lia, will you be my girlfriend?"


he smiles and looks into my eyes. I look down at his lips and I kiss them.

"sorry... I couldn't help myself."

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