4. Mr Philips

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I set my alarm for a little early so that I can get to school the hour early like Mr Philips had asked me too.

I get ready and put on a random dress, but still sort of trying to impress Gilbert.

I do my hair into one plait because I liked how that Anne girl did her hair, but I didn't want it to seem as I was copying her

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I do my hair into one plait because I liked how that Anne girl did her hair, but I didn't want it to seem as I was copying her.

I eat my breakfast and make my way to school.

It's nice to take in my surroundings and not run to school today.

I walk past Gilbert's house and see who must be Sebastian in the farm, he seems friendly enough since when we saw me looking at him he smiled and waved. I waved back.

I get to school and the door is already open. Mr Philips is waiting for me.

"Good morning to you, Idalia" I hear his horrible sly voice say


"If you would make you way into the store room, I have some chores for you as your punishment"

I make a face to show that I do not want to be doing chores and then I start walking towards the room. When I feel a strong grip on my arm hold me back.

"That facial expression tells to me that you would not like to do chores."

"Well to be fair, sir, I thought you were taking me in early so that I could catch up on what I missed from being late yesterday." I explain.

"Ahh I see. Well. I could always teach you a few things instead if you would like" he says, hiding a smirk.

"Sure, I suppose that would be better than chores." I agree.

"Now. Sit down then and I will start"


"This morning you missed out on sexual education. So that is what I shall start with"

I start taking out my black board so I can take notes when needed and he cuts me off.

"You won't be needing to take notes. Seeing as this is a one on one. I am going to supply you with a demonstration."

"Wh- ho- how's that going to work?"

"Oh you'll see"

Gilbert's POV

Bash comes in from collecting the tomatoes and calls my name.

"Gilbert, there was a girl walking past with school books. Was that the new girl going early you were talking about?"

"Oh Lia, yes it must have been."

"She seems nice. She looked and smiled instead of in disbelief of my skin. I like her already"

We both chuckle

"Yeah Lia really is something isn't she"
Shit did I really just say that out loud?

"Ah. Mr Blythe has a little crush on Lia."

"What... no. And it's Idalila to you. She only likes her friends to call her Lia, she said she finds it weird when people she doesn't know use her nickname."

"So you know so much about her and she lets you call her Lia... maybe she likes you too Blythe"

"What... you think so?"

"Ha I knew it! You like her!"

"Yeah you got me."

"Oh shoot... look at the time I gotta go"

I leave knowing it's still a little early but I wanted to leave that conversation... and see her. I hope that she's ok with Mr Philips all alone. I can't imagine what he'd do if I wasn't there yesterday.

I get to school and nobody is inside. I must be early.

"Mr Philips?"

I don't ask Lia's name incase she doesn't want me Philips to know I know she's there.

After about 3 times of me asking, Mr Philips comes out of the store room, fixing his hair while doing so.

"Mr Blythe... you're early, why"

"I suppose I was eager to get learning."

"Is that so? Well then put away your things, class starts in 15 minutes anyway. I'm sure you can wait."

"Okay then."

As I walk outside to put my water in the stream so it stays cold, I look in the store room window to see if Lia is in there. More importantly, to see if she is ok.

I see her in there. She has a red face and puffy eyes. She seems to be fixing her hair and dress, I don't want to think of what Mr Philips has done.

I come away from the window and sit down by the stream.

I hear a voice from inside saying "that's all now Idalia. Go and sit outside."

I hear her soft footsteps come closer towards me.

She sits next to me.

"Why are you here early" she asks me

"Well, I wanted to make sure you were okay, and Sebastian was annoying me"

"Oh. No need for that" she brushes herself off, "I'm just fine thank you"

"Are you sure... you know you can talk to me, I will always be here if you want to talk"

Lia's POV

My heart melted when those words came from his mouth.
I could not believe it myself let alone tell another person yet. The fact I have just been raped.


By my teacher.

Fuck that.

"Lia?" I hear his sweet voice say

"Huh? What"

"You zoned out when I said that. You know you can talk to me right?"

"What? Oh... yeah I know."

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