25. The last page

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Lia's POV

As we get off of the boat, I turn to Gilbert and kiss him. No actual reason. I just love him and I am really happy for the first time in years.

"I love you" he says.

"I love you more"

"Not possible"

I laugh and we keep walking until we get to the train station and we sit on the train in peace until we get home.

Gilbert opens the door for me and Delly runs to give me a hug.

"Your guys are home! how was your relaxing trip?" Bash says as he enters the room.

"Well, why don't you sit down..." Gilbert says calmly.

Gilbert gestures for me to explain.

"I am just going to come out and say it... I am pregnant. and we didn't know who's the baby was. Either Gilbert's or... Billy's."

"What-? Pregnant-? BILLY??"

"I know it's a lot of info to be taking in. But long story short, billy did what Mr Phillips did to me not too long ago and I kept it a secret because I didn't want you guys to worry."

"Lia you always need to tell us what's on your mind... we are here for you. we love you Idalia."

"I know you do... I just- I don't know... anyway, I told Gilbert after he proposed to me, oh yeah Gilbert proposed to me! Anyway, we got a DNA test and it turns out that the baby is Gilbert's so we are happy and I am pregnant!"

"Well I am so happy for you both! Congratulations on your engagement and congratulations on your pregnancy Lia... I am proud of you you have come so far since I met you."

"Thank you Bash"

me and Gilbert return to our bedroom and unpack your bags.

"thank you Gilbert."

"What for?"

"literally everything. the fact that we met in those Japanese gardens nearly 3 years ago now then I quite literally would have been dead right now, weather it was the house fire or Mr Phillips or well - anything. Gilbert I am grateful because you saved my life. So many times and in so many ways. Gilbert you are the person that makes me, well... me."

"Lia, I fell in love with you the first time I saw your beautiful blue eyes. I fell in love with you when you walked into the school for the first time late, I subconsciously saved your life because you saved mine before you even knew it."

I just smile, we really do fucking love each other. This is love like in the novels. I didn't realise that real love actually exists.

I love Gilbert Blythe.

As we get into bed he says goodnight to me in his tired husky voice.

"Goodnight" I say, with the feeling knowing that the person I love, loves me to.

That is the best feeling.


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