|| 3. Harry Potter (UN-EDITED)

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Y/N stepped inside the charming shop, with Amaryllis right behind her

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Y/N stepped inside the charming shop, with Amaryllis right behind her. They were there to purchase the essential Hogwarts robes, a significant part of Y/N's new magical wardrobe. As they entered the corridor, the interior of the shop greeted them with a delightful display of various cloths and garments hanging on hangers, neatly arranged in racks along the walls. 

The vibrant colors and intricate designs of the robes immediately caught Y/N's eye, and she couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement as she imagined herself donning these magical garments.

"Ah, Miss Crimson and Ms. Crimson, here to get fitted?" The welcoming voice of an employee echoed through the shop. Amaryllis nodded, acknowledging their purpose for being there.

"Yes, yes. Just a few items," Amaryllis replied, producing a neatly written note listing Y/N's specific requirements.

Although Y/N was accustomed to having most of her clothes custom-designed by high-end brands, with meticulous attention to detail and the finest fabrics, some parts of her Hogwarts uniform could only be obtained in the enchanting realm of Diagon Alley.

"Very well, the fitting room is over there," the employee said, offering a warm smile as he returned the note to Amaryllis. 

He promptly gathered a selection of robes and handed them to Y/N, who nodded with a grateful expression. Amaryllis guided her to the fitting room area, where they could try on the enchanting robes that would soon become an essential part of her magical journey.

Inside the fitting room, Y/N carefully examined the exquisite robes provided by the employee. Each garment had its unique charm, adorned with magical symbols and intricate patterns. Y/N's heart swelled with anticipation, knowing that these robes would not only signify her identity as a Hogwarts student but also carry the legacy of her magical heritage.

Stepping out of the fitting room, Y/N's attention was drawn to a secluded corner of the shop where she noticed a girl with bushy hair, her eyes puffy and red from crying. Curiosity getting the better of her, Y/N approached the girl, her eyebrows arched with concern.

"Hey, you," Y/N greeted softly, her voice filled with empathy. The girl wiped her tears away and looked up at Y/N, her face filled with distress. Y/N couldn't help but notice the deep brown eyes that mirrored the sorrow in her own gaze. She was genuinely drawn to the girl's vulnerability and wanted to offer her comfort.

"Why're you crying?" Y/N whispered gently, her caring gaze never leaving the girl's teary eyes.

"I—I can't find my parents," the bushy-haired brunette stammered, her voice choked with emotion.

Her hiccups punctuated her words, revealing her emotional state. Y/N's heart went out to her, understanding how frightening and distressing it must be to feel lost and alone in such a new and magical place.

Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now