|| 6. Roommates (UN-EDITED)

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"Let the feast begin!"

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"Let the feast begin!"

Seated comfortably at the Ravenclaw table, Y/N carefully arranged her food on her plate while being met with a flurry of greetings from various students.

Some of them extended friendly invitations to show her around the school, but Y/N's characteristic cold and blunt manner resulted in more than a few disapproving glances from her peers.

Amidst the hubbub, a voice broke through the chatter, drawing Y/N's attention to a wavy-haired, tanned girl standing beside her. The girl's arm was extended in a gesture of introduction, and Y/N observed her for a moment before firmly shaking her hand, the gesture lasting just a few seconds.

"The name's Aurora, Aurora Evergreen," the girl introduced herself with an amiable smile. Y/N prepared to speak, but Aurora's next words caught her slightly off guard.

"Y/N Crimson, yeah. I know," Aurora deadpanned, a small smile playing on her lips.

"My fame precedes me, I fear," Y/N responded with a smirking amusement, momentarily acknowledging her notoriety among the students. Aurora's chuckle resonated in the air, marking the beginning of an unexpected interaction.

Aurora's remark took a playful turn as she teasingly questioned Y/N's house placement. "You're blunt, are you sure you're a Ravenclaw? Seems more fit to be a Slytherin to be honest," she quipped. Y/N's smirk wavered slightly at the comment, a glimpse of defensiveness flickering in her eyes.

"That's none of your business," Y/N shot back with a sharp retort, reminding Aurora of the boundaries she was already adept at drawing.

Aurora, undeterred, leaned into a more casual tone. "Woah, chill. It's just a joke, anyway." She then continued with a grin, "Anyways, I'll be your roommate, so... friends?" The hopeful smile on Aurora's face was met with Y/N's apathetic gaze, the Ravenclaw's expression carefully neutral as she considered Aurora's offer.

Without turning her full attention away from her plate, Y/N offered a nonchalant, "Hm," accompanied by a small shrug.

Aurora playfully rolled her eyes at Y/N's response, choosing not to take it too seriously. As she continued to eat her food, an unexpected yet amicable dynamic began to form between the two girls - one defined by Y/N's guarded nature and Aurora's persistent friendliness.

While Y/N directed her attention back to her plate, her focus was abruptly shattered when a head unexpectedly popped out nearby. Caught off guard, she involuntarily jumped back, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. A small yelp escaped her lips before she quickly cleared her throat, her cheeks flushing with a touch of embarrassment.

"Hello!" the woman greeted as she emerged fully from beneath the table.

Aurora's voice joined the unfolding scene with a mixture of surprise and recognition. "Woah, the Grey Lady?" Aurora's eyes widened as she spoke, her astonishment palpable. However, the woman's response was far from welcoming.

Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now