|| 16. Nice Like This (UN-EDITED)

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Y/N and Hermione found themselves positioned in the line that snaked its way toward the entrance of the zoo

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Y/N and Hermione found themselves positioned in the line that snaked its way toward the entrance of the zoo. Among a throng of fellow students, each adorned with the shared anticipation of exploration, they waited patiently for their turn to step into the building. Hermione, already well-acquainted with the world of Muggles, bore a sense of familiarity that contrasted with the excitement radiating from her peers.

For Y/N, the experience was not entirely novel. Her travels to places like New York and L.A. had often brought her into contact with the Muggle world, including visits to similar establishments. As she stood alongside Hermione, her gaze shifting between the surroundings and the line of students, her mind held an understanding that extended beyond the realm of magic.

With a slight glance, Y/N observed the process of the wrist-stamping that marked the confirmation of payment. The inked marks served as both a practical necessity and a silent indicator of their shared experience. As the two witches finally made their way through the entrance, the expanse of the zoo's offerings unfolded before them.

"Wow," Y/N's voice was hushed.

"This is really... lame," she deadpanned, her words a playful commentary on the seemingly simple nature of the Muggle zoo. Hermione's lips curved into a half-smile as she nodded in agreement, her eyes reflecting a similar sentiment.

Their task for the day was set: documenting the differences between the magical creatures they were familiar with and the animals of the Muggle world. Hermione's exhalation held a touch of resignation as she shared their objective, her words indicating that this excursion was more about academic observation than personal enjoyment.

"Let's get this over with," Hermione sighed, a hint of determination lacing her voice. "We're supposed to write as we walk, noting the distinctions between our magical creatures and the Muggle's animals," she elaborated, her words carrying the weight of responsibility. 

With a gentle tug on Y/N's sleeve, Hermione guided her companion away from the entrance, their journey of comparison and discovery set in motion.

As the two young witches meandered through the pathways of the zoo, the air was tinged with the energy of anticipation. The enclosures displayed an array of creatures, each one unique and fascinating in its own right. 

Y/N's gaze flitted from exhibit to exhibit, a mixture of curiosity and thoughtful observation evident in her eyes. The assignment at hand prompted them to see these creatures through a different lens, to scrutinize the contrasts that separated their magical world from the familiar realm of Muggles.

A sense of boredom had settled upon Hermione's features, her countenance betraying the monotonous nature of the surroundings. Yet, a spark of interest soon illuminated her eyes, drawing Y/N's attention as the Gryffindor left her state of ennui behind. With a sense of curiosity, Hermione approached a glass pane that framed a unique tableau.

Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now