|| 8. Potions (UN-EDITED)

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The Potions Classroom bustled with activity, an array of cauldrons positioned meticulously along the length of the tables that stretched through the room, their gleaming surfaces catching the flickering light from ornate torches mounted on the sto...

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The Potions Classroom bustled with activity, an array of cauldrons positioned meticulously along the length of the tables that stretched through the room, their gleaming surfaces catching the flickering light from ornate torches mounted on the stone pillars. Amidst this setting, Y/N found herself seated in the company of Draco and Aurora.

In a hushed tone, Y/N aired her grievances about a certain fellow student. "Honestly, Granger is a pain in the arse." she muttered, her discontent palpable. Draco couldn't help but suppress a mischievous snicker, finding amusement in Y/N's candid frustration.

Aurora inquired skeptically, "Are you sure she's that unbearable?" Y/N responded with a dismissive shake of her head, her expression set in determination.

"She's nothing more than an insufferable know-it-all, always currying favor with the professors," Y/N retorted with a hint of venom. As the trio chatted, Aurora's gaze drifted briefly behind them, resting upon Hermione, who was engrossed in a book, flanked by Ron and Harry.

"I think she might be able to hear you," Aurora remarked in a cautious whisper. Y/N's eyes rolled skyward, an unconcerned sigh escaping her lips.

"Good," she retorted sharply, a fiery glint in her eyes. "Perhaps it's high time she realizes how vexing she truly is." Her lips curled into a sneer, her frustration barely contained. 

Draco's demeanor hinted at amusement, thoroughly enjoying the display before him. Meanwhile, Aurora, maintaining her equilibrium, simply shrugged in response before returning her attention to her own book, unfazed by the unfolding drama.

Their trio was abruptly jolted by the creaking door behind them, announcing the arrival of Professor Snape. He strode into the room with an air of authority, a murmur of discontent escaping his lips as he grumbled about the infringements of his rules. 

His words were a whirlwind, barely decipherable as they rushed forth, detailing a prohibition on frivolous wand gestures and what he derisively referred to as 'silly incantations.' Y/N struggled to follow the rapid cascade of syllables, her attention divided between his words and the enigmatic presence he exuded.

Severus Snape, with a flurry of ebony robes, arrived at the front of the classroom, his gaze sweeping over the assembled students. His voice commanded attention, tinged with an air of both authority and disdain. 

"In this discipline, I do not anticipate that many among you will grasp the intricate science and artistic precision that potion-making demands," he declared with measured emphasis. 

"However, for those select few," Severus Snape's piercing gaze lingered upon Draco, capturing the essence of his self-satisfied expression, a smug grin that danced across his features. 

The ever-observant professor didn't allow this display of satisfaction to pass unnoticed. With a deliberate pause, he adjusted the drape of his robes, his demeanor carrying an air of quiet assurance.

Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now