|| 28. Dinner (UN-EDITED)

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Y/N and Hermione sat in the cafe, both girls deciding on a few pastries and some drinks, Y/N's foot tapping on the ground as she waited patiently. 

"I really wanna go back to Hogwarts, I've been bored out of my mind, lately." Y/N groaned dramatically, Hermione chuckling as she playfully rolled her eyes. 

"And I'm the nerd?" Hermione teased, Y/N sending her a small, playful glare. 

"Yes, yes you are." Y/N replied, Hermione snickering in response as she hummed softly.

Hermione took a sip of her complimentary water before speaking, her expression turning slightly serious. "You know, Y/N, despite all the bickering and teasing, I do miss those Hogwarts days too."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk forming on her lips. "Oh really? So, you're admitting that you actually enjoyed our heated debates in the library?"

Hermione's lips curled into a genuine smile. "Well, maybe just a little. It kept things interesting."

Y/N leaned back in her chair, a contemplative look in her red eyes. "I guess our arguments were kind of... exhilarating, in a strange way."

Hermione nodded, her gaze softening as she looked at Y/N. "You always had a way of challenging my perspectives. It made me think, even if I didn't want to admit it at the time."

Y/N's lips curved into a fond smile. "And you, Granger, had a way of making me question my own beliefs. Not that I'd ever tell you that."

Hermione chuckled, a playful glint in her eyes. "Of course not. Wouldn't want to damage your tough reputation, would we?"

Y/N laughed, a genuine warmth in her expression. "Definitely not. Wouldn't want anyone to think I'm going soft."

"Hm, maybe you are going soft." Hermione said with an amused smile, Y/N slightly scoffing.

Y/N leaned back comfortably in her chair, a playful glint in her red eyes as she looked across the table at Hermione. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the gentle hum of the cafe surrounded them, creating an atmosphere of relaxation and familiarity.

"Just a bit, I blame you for it," Y/N remarked, her words infused with a light, teasing tone. Hermione arched an eyebrow in response, a soft chuckle escaping her lips as she leaned forward.

"Me?" Hermione echoed, a playful incredulity in her voice. Y/N's lips curled into a mischievous grin, her fingers lightly tracing the rim of her cup as she nodded, her expression innocently conspiratorial.

Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now