|| 1. Moving (UN-EDITED)

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The sunlight streamed through the curtains, casting a gentle glow upon Y/N's face as she reluctantly stirred from her slumber

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The sunlight streamed through the curtains, casting a gentle glow upon Y/N's face as she reluctantly stirred from her slumber. A familiar voice pierced through her dreams, and she groggily blinked her eyes open, realizing it was her mother, Amaryllis, who had roused her from her cozy sanctuary. Y/N's initial response was one of annoyance, her drowsy mind still clinging to the remnants of sleep.

With a dismissive wave of her hand, Y/N attempted to shoo her mother away, muttering a half-hearted protest. However, Amaryllis remained resolute, her expression unyielding, as she fixed her daughter with a stern gaze.

"Y/N Thornfield Crimson, I'm warning you, if you don't get out of that bed in the next five seconds, there will be consequences," Amaryllis threatened, her voice tinged with frustration. Y/N, never one to back down easily, couldn't resist rolling her eyes in a playful act of defiance, testing the limits of her mother's patience.

"Mooom," Y/N whined, her voice laced with a mix of pleading and reluctance. "Just five more minutes, please! London can wait a little longer. I promise I'll make up for it," she bargained, kicking her feet childishly under the covers as if protesting against the harsh reality of morning.

Amaryllis crossed her arms, her patience wearing thin. She knew her daughter's tricks all too well. With a determined grip on the crook of Y/N's shirt, she pulled her out of bed, causing Y/N to let out a dramatic groan of protest. But deep down, Y/N knew her mother's resolve was unshakable, and the day was about to begin, whether she liked it or not.

Y/N's frustration reached its peak, and she couldn't contain her protest any longer. "Fine! Fine, let go of me, ah!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with annoyance and a touch of indignation.

Amaryllis, visibly exasperated, rolled her eyes in response, releasing her grip on Y/N's collar. The girl quickly straightened herself, smoothing out her disheveled appearance, and fixed a silent and fowl glare at her mother. Amaryllis arched an eyebrow, seemingly unfazed by her daughter's defiance.

"Okay, go ahead and give me that stare one more time, and you'll discover the true meaning of consequences," Amaryllis warned, her voice dripping with a mix of irritation and stern authority. Y/N scowled in response, her frustration finding an outlet as she discreetly extended her middle finger behind her back, hidden from Amaryllis' line of sight.

With a huff, Y/N briskly walked past Amaryllis, the latter observing her with an unimpressed expression, shaking her head in mild disappointment. Y/N made her way into the kitchen, where the housemaid diligently tidied up any remaining chores. A small frown tugged at the corners of Y/N's lips, mirroring the concern she felt.

"Mom, why can't Nanny Kushiver come with us to London? She's practically my second mother!" Y/N exclaimed, her voice carrying a mix of longing and genuine affection. 

Amaryllis shot her daughter a sympathetic glance, understanding the attachment Y/N felt towards their nanny. She approached Y/N, and Kushiver, with a worn smile on her face, oblivious to Y/N's plea, returned the gesture, her eyes puffy and red, hinting at recent tears.

Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now