|| 35. Happy New Year (UN-EDITED)

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The crowd pushed Y/N forward, Aurora leading her by the wrist as they joined the throngs of people at the concert

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The crowd pushed Y/N forward, Aurora leading her by the wrist as they joined the throngs of people at the concert. The heavy metal music blared in Y/N's ears, her lips parting in surprise as she took in the energetic atmosphere. An amused smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, and she couldn't help but scoff playfully.

"I didn't peg you as a metal fan," Y/N murmured over the loud music, the two of them surrounded by jumping bodies and raised arms.

"There's a lot you don't know about me," Aurora teased, turning to face Y/N. 

"Dance with me," she instructed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Y/N playfully rolled her eyes before complying, and Aurora caught both of her wrists, guiding their movements as they swayed to the rhythm.

"I told you!" Aurora exclaimed, the exhilaration evident in her voice. "It's so much fun!"

"Oh, come on," Y/N responded with a smile and a teasing roll of her eyes, Aurora's laughter mingling with the music as they enjoyed the unexpected joy of the moment.

"Watch out!" A voice pierced through the music, causing both Y/N and Aurora to turn towards the source. Their eyes widened as they saw a wisp of flame hurtling directly towards them. In an instant, Y/N's reflexes kicked in, and she pushed Aurora out of harm's way. 

Yet, as she did so, a strange sensation coursed through her, like water running slowly through her veins, surreal yet jolting. Her red eyes glowed brightly for a moment before the flame dissipated as abruptly as it appeared.

Staggering back, Y/N furrowed her brows in confusion, her bright eyes gradually returning to their usual dark crimson hue. She slipped and landed on a nearby rock, her confusion palpable.

"What the hell was that?" Aurora exclaimed, rushing to Y/N's side to make sure she was okay.

"Seems like a technical glitch, maybe a speaker blew up or something," a random bystander from the crowd offered, trying to make sense of the unexpected occurrence. Y/N remained stunned, trying to process the bizarre experience that had just unfolded before her.

Y/N's gaze fixed on the direction from which the strange flame had come, her brows knitting in confusion. She thought she glimpsed a cloaked figure among the trees. Reacting on instinct, she began to move toward it, but Aurora grabbed her, stopping her in her tracks.

"Where do you think you're going? We need to get you to Madam Pomfrey!" Aurora's voice was filled with concern, and Y/N hesitated, torn between pursuing the figure and attending to her own well-being.


"Aurora, seriously, I'm fine," Y/N reassured with a small sigh and a playful eye roll. Aurora grumbled but relented.

"Alright, but you better stay safe. Seraphina and Sophie called me over to help fix the exploded speaker," Aurora muttered, brushing off Y/N's offer to assist before walking away.

Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now