|| 39. Quidditch (UN-EDITED)

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A few days had passed since the incident in the Dark Forest

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A few days had passed since the incident in the Dark Forest. Hermione had been giving Y/N the cold shoulder, and to be honest, Y/N couldn't have cared less – or at least, that's what she tried to convince herself. Harry and Ron still exchanged occasional words with her, but they hadn't looped her into any more of their escapades, per Hermione's request.

Truth be told, Y/N didn't mind being left out of their plans. It was a relief to finally have a break from their schemes. Harry had mentioned that they intended to search for the Philosopher's Stone by noon, but Y/N brushed it off. She truly didn't care, or at least, she was trying hard not to care.

Currently, she found herself in the courtyard alongside Aurora, Seraphina, and Sophie. Seraphina was engrossed in a book, Aurora was capturing a few pictures, and Sophie was attentively watching Y/N demonstrate some broom tricks for her upcoming Quidditch match scheduled in a few hours.

"Nice attempt!" Sophie cheered, watching as Y/N's broom wobbled during her triple-loop, causing her to slip off with a slight grunt.

"You're risking injury if you keep attempting those risky moves before the match," Aurora chimed in, her expression unamused, while Y/N simply acknowledged her with a hum.

"Hey, Y/N!" Draco's voice called from behind, causing her to turn and face the Slytherin as he approached. "Getting some Quidditch practice in?" he asked, and Y/N nodded, her broom in hand.

"Feeling a bit down, are you? Still getting the cold shoulder from Granger?" he teased, prompting an eye roll from Y/N.

"Her attitude doesn't bother me at all," Y/N muttered, remounting her broom.

"Well, it's a win-win situation, isn't it? Granger's finally stopped hounding you," Draco remarked, a sigh escaping Y/N at his words. "Stupid Mudblood."

"Don't use that term," Y/N said quietly.

"What? 'Mudblood'?" Draco's tone held a hint of laughter, irritating Y/N further.

"Just... shut it, Draco," Y/N retorted, her tone tinged with irritation. 

Draco raised an eyebrow, seemingly unperturbed by Y/N's reaction. "Oh, come on, Crimson. It's just a word."

"Just a word? It's a slur, Draco." Y/N's voice was stern, her frustration palpable.

"Oh, don't tell me you're suddenly getting all righteous, defending Muggle-borns and whatnot," Draco scoffed.

"Draco." Y/N said blankly.

"Fine, whatever. I'll tone it down if it bothers you that much," Draco said, his tone slightly mocking. "But let's not pretend like you're suddenly best buddies with Granger."

Y/N sighed, feeling the weight of the ongoing tension. "Look, Draco, I might not be her best friend, but that doesn't mean I'm okay with you calling her that."

Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now