"You're so insufferable, I hate you!" Hermione exclaimed, disdain filling her eyes.
"The feeling's mutual, you stupid... Muggle-born." Y/N retorted, Hermione's nose twitching out of frustration.
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A gentle shake roused Y/N from her slumber, coaxing her back to consciousness with a delicate touch. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, her heart performed a momentary somersault when her gaze met Hermione's playful expression. A goofy smile adorned Hermione's face as she leaned in, her voice a soft, almost conspiratorial whisper in Y/N's ear.
"Rise and shine, sleepyhead. We've made a pit stop at a gas station. Time to refuel ourselves – literally." Hermione's suggestion was accompanied by a hopeful glint in her eyes, a silent invitation to partake in the upcoming adventure.
Y/N couldn't help but squirm slightly under Hermione's gaze, her sleep-heavy limbs protesting against the idea of leaving the warmth of her seat. Yet, Hermione's enthusiasm was infectious, and the anticipation of what lay ahead outweighed Y/N's initial reluctance.
"Mmm, I'm not exactly craving a feast right now," Y/N mumbled, her voice drenched in the remnants of her slumber.
Hermione's response was swift and accompanied by an expert eye roll. "Well, I am – and since we're a team, we're eating." Hermione's determination brooked no argument, her tone carrying a touch of playful insistence.
Y/N's lips curved into a lazy grin, appreciating Hermione's unwavering resolve. "Why not recruit Harry and Ron for this mission? They're always up for a food adventure," Y/N suggested with a hint of mischief.
"No, I want you," she declared without hesitation.
Hermione's retort was quick, laced with an undeniable eagerness. The words tumbled out before her mind had a chance to filter them. Her eyes widened with realization, the truth of her statement hanging in the air like an unspoken secret.
Caught off guard by her own candor, Hermione's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue. Y/N's gaze met hers, both girls sharing a surprised yet knowing look that transcended words. An unexpected intimacy lingered in that fleeting moment, a connection forged through the unguarded revelation of Hermione's desire for Y/N's company.
"Oh really?" she quipped, allowing the playful banter to wrap around the shared secret. A mischievous glint danced in Y/N's eyes, her teasing tone carrying a hint of amusement.
"Oh, just hush, you know what I meant," she retorted, her voice a mixture of exasperation and endearing awkwardness. Hermione huffed, her own embarrassment evident as she playfully shoved Y/N's shoulder.
As Hermione turned to make her exit, Y/N's laughter followed her, a gentle melody that underscored the bundling friendship that was bound to turn into something more. With a contented sigh, Y/N pushed herself up from her seat, the grogginess of sleep slipping away as she readied herself for the unplanned stop.
Inside the confines of a bustling 7/11, Y/N and Hermione found themselves stationed in a corner, each engaged in their chosen indulgence. Hermione's fingers deftly tore open a bag of crisps, the familiar sound of the packaging being breached filling the air.