|| 30. Softer (UN-EDITED)

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Y/N reclined her head against the cool window, the gentle vibrations of the car resonating through the glass as she settled into the passenger seat

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Y/N reclined her head against the cool window, the gentle vibrations of the car resonating through the glass as she settled into the passenger seat. Beside her, Amaryllis deftly maneuvered the steering wheel, guiding them towards the station. 

The end of Y/N's Christmas break was looming, a bittersweet reality that cast a subtle shadow over the day. Turning her attention away from the passing scenery, Amaryllis glanced at her daughter, a fond smile curving her lips. 

"You excited to head back?" She inquired, her eyes briefly meeting Y/N's in the rearview mirror.

A wry grin danced across Y/N's lips as she met her mother's gaze through the glass pane. "Oh, absolutely thrilled," she replied, a hint of sarcasm lacing her words. The exchange sparked a soft chuckle from Amaryllis, a musical sound that filled the car's interior.

The conversation flowed naturally, as if the words had been waiting for this exact moment to be spoken. "You mentioned making friends with that Harry Potter boy," Amaryllis remarked, a note of curiosity in her voice. Y/N nodded in affirmation, her expression contemplative.

"We're not exactly on the friendliest terms," Y/N admitted, her voice carrying a tinge of honesty. "But there's a sort of mutual understanding between us." Her gaze wandered to the rearview window once more, her thoughts trailing off into the distance.

Amaryllis's response held a touch of nostalgia, her words carrying a weight of history. "You know, his mother and I were quite close back in the day," she revealed, her voice tinged with reminiscence. Y/N's brows furrowed, a mixture of surprise and intrigue shaping her features as she absorbed this new piece of information.

Y/N's curiosity was piqued by the revelation, her eyes widening as she processed the information. "You knew his mother?" she queried, her tone a mix of surprise and intrigue. Amaryllis met her daughter's gaze with a solemn nod, a distant look in her eyes that hinted at a well of memories.

"We were inseparable, my best friend from the very first year," Amaryllis affirmed, her voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. 

The words carried a weight that went beyond the casual stories of friendship, hinting at a shared history that was intertwined with much more than school days. Y/N's lips slightly parted, absorbing this newfound connection that her mother held to a world she had only experienced through stories.

The car's interior seemed to hold a hushed reverence as Y/N absorbed the information. "But wait," Y/N interjected, a question forming in her mind. "I thought you and Dad were dating during your sixth year. How did... Harry's parents react to you dating a Slytherin?" Her eyebrows knitted together in curiosity, seeking to untangle the threads of the past.

Amaryllis's laughter danced through the air, a melodious sound that contrasted with the weight of her memories. "Oh, they were quite beside themselves, dear," Amaryllis replied, her eyes twinkling with mirth. "It wasn't my first time dating a Slytherin, you see."

Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now