|| 26. Cheater (UN-EDITED)

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Five years ago

The corridors of the Thornfield Manor stretched ahead in an elegant dance of shadows and light, a silent witness to the lives intertwined within its walls. Amaryllis walked with a sense of purpose, the soft rustling of her dress echoing her steps. 

Her husband, Caspian, was away at a business dinner, leaving her and their 7-year-old daughter, Y/N, alone in the grand house. As she moved, she exchanged nods and smiles with the helpers who were woven into the fabric of their daily lives.

Guided by familiarity, Amaryllis navigated through the hallways, her destination the living room. There, she found Y/N, a small figure nestled on the couch, engrossed in a children's show playing on the television. The sight brought a fond smile to Amaryllis' lips, a testament to the simplicity of these stolen moments.

Drawing near, Amaryllis seated herself beside Y/N, her smile a reflection of the warmth in her heart. "Oh, my dear," her voice carried a tender affection, "you're sleepy. It's time to rest." The words held a soft insistence, a mother's gentle guidance.

Defiance flashed in Y/N's eyes as she shook her head, her determination apparent even in her weariness. "No," her voice held a hint of whining, a child's plea, "I want to see Daddy before I sleep!"

Amaryllis chuckled at the display of stubbornness, a mixture of amusement and understanding in her expression. "Always such a daddy's girl, hm?" The words were cooed with a warmth that only a mother's voice could carry. She reached out, her fingers brushing against Y/N's cheek in a tender caress, a gesture of reassurance that transcended words.

"You'll see Daddy in the morning, okay?" Amaryllis' words held a soothing reassurance, a maternal promise aimed at comforting Y/N's longing heart. Yet, the response she received was far from impressed. Y/N's arms crossed over her chest, a stance of defiance that spoke volumes of her pent-up emotions.

A sigh escaped Y/N's lips, laden with a weight that seemed far beyond her years. Her expression carried a mixture of disappointment and vulnerability as she voiced her concerns, the questions that had been gnawing at her heart.

"Why is Dad always out at night? He never spends time with me anymore... and he never says he loves me anymore." The lines of her forehead slightly furrowed, evidence of the thoughts that occupied her young mind. 

A thread of sadness wove through her words, the yearning for connection palpable. Amaryllis' heart ached as she listened to her daughter's candid confession. Y/N's feelings lay bare before her, and the truth was a sharp pang in her chest. 

A soft sigh accompanied her response, a mix of understanding and regret lacing her words, "Y/N, my dear. You know how busy your dad and I have been lately." Her gaze shifted to the side, a hint of guilt in her eyes.

Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now