|| 7. First Day (UN-EDITED)

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Y/N's eyes blinked open as the morning sunlight streamed in through the windows, casting a warm glow across the dormitory

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Y/N's eyes blinked open as the morning sunlight streamed in through the windows, casting a warm glow across the dormitory. In a light-hearted contest, the four girls engaged in a spirited game of rock-paper-scissors, a playful way to decide who would claim which bed. The room was symmetrically furnished with bunk beds on either side; Aurora and Y/N had secured the top bunks, while Seraphina and Sophie triumphed with the lower bunks.

As the first rays of the day greeted Y/N, she roused herself from slumber and swung her legs over the edge of the top bunk. With a sense of nonchalant grace, she navigated the short ladder, her steps quiet but purposeful as she touched down on the dormitory floor with a gentle thud. A small yawn escaped her lips as she stretched her arms above her head, momentarily basking in the comfort of the new day.

Her thoughts flitted to the time – it was a mere forty minutes before their first day of classes commenced. Y/N's mind worked quickly, her contemplation centered around whether to rouse her dorm mates from their slumber. A sly smile curved on her lips, her decision apparent.

Setting her gaze on Aurora, who lay cocooned in her covers, snoring softly, Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. Aurora seemed to have embraced sleep with abandon, her form a tangle of twisted sheets and carelessly sprawled limbs.

With measured steps, Y/N approached the dormitory clock, her fingers deftly navigating its buttons. A few clicks later, the alarm resounded, its piercing beep echoing through the room like a clarion call. 

The sudden noise roused the three still-drowsing girls from their dreams, eliciting grumbles and groans of sleepy frustration. One by one, they sat up, blinking away the remnants of slumber, their disheveled appearances suggesting a reluctance to leave the comfort of their beds.

As they cast accusatory glances Y/N's way – her impeccable timing ensuring their timely awakening – she was already in the midst of her morning routine, meticulously fastening the buttons of her robes.

The scene was a microcosm of their blossoming dynamics and friendship, a blend of Y/N's no-nonsense practicality and her dorm mates' more relaxed dispositions. As they prepared to embark on their first day of classes, their diverse personalities were bound to color their experiences in ways they could hardly predict.


Y/N absently toyed with her mostly untouched food, her fork pushing a few pieces around the plate as her thoughts appeared distant. The once-laden dish remained scarcely touched, the remnants of her meal barely showing signs of consumption. Aurora's concern was evident in the furrow of her brows, a mixture of confusion and apprehension reflecting in her eyes.

Concerned for her friend, Aurora inquired, her voice laced with both care and curiosity. "You barely touched your dinner last night, are you sure you're full?" Her gaze was fixed on Y/N's plate, a silent plea for openness and understanding underlying her words.

Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now