|| 37. Dark Forest (UN-EDITED)

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Direct Messages

Hermione : Y/N!

Hermione : Hello?

Hermione : Y/NNNNNNN!!!!!!!!

Hermione : Wake up.

Hermione : WAKE UP. NOW.

Hermione : Y/N, for the love of Merlin, wake up!


Y/N : its the middle of the night?!?!?!


Hermione : Are you awake now?

Y/N : no I'm still asleep

Hermione : Shut up.

Hermione : Go to Hagrid's Hut. Now.

Y/N : lol, no? its 3 am, why would i do that? smh

Hermione : It's important.

Y/N : i don't care

Hermione : Just do it, already! Oh my God.

Hermione : I swear, Y/N.

Hermione : Y/N?

Hermione : Did you fall asleep again?

Hermione : Y/N!!!



Y/N let out a quiet grumble, her voice tinged with irritation, as she peeled herself off the bed. Moonlight streamed through the windows, casting a gentle glow in the room. With a roll of her eyes, she begrudgingly swung her legs over the side of the top bunk, her sheets rustling as she hopped down onto the floor.

"This is way too early..." Y/N muttered to herself with a sigh, her words accompanied by the soft sound of sheets being adjusted. She stood up and padded towards the door, the moonlight outlining her form.

"I can't believe I have to go to Hagrid's Hut in the middle of the night," she muttered under her breath, her voice carrying her annoyance. She reached the door and pulled it shut behind her, leaving the Ravenclaw Common Room behind. Her footsteps echoed down the corridor as she set off on her nocturnal journey.

As Y/N descended the stairs of the Ravenclaw tower, a sigh escaped her lips, the sound muffled in the quiet night. She navigated the corridor, her steps echoing softly in the silence. But her solitude was abruptly interrupted by a noise that made her pause. With a swift turn of her head, she spotted a familiar older redhead Weasley.

Better than me? | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now